I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder circles around fear of Abandonment whether it be real or fake its not based on loving ones self. I love myself very much. And my family. Like the reason I have borderline personality disorder is because my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts growing up. It's like I had a good dad and a good mom and a bad dad and a bad mom. they were either good or they were either bad there was no in between. it's usually based on childhood trauma along with bipolar as far as the trauma it's an exhausting existence.
I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder circles around fear of Abandonment whether it be real or fake not loving ones self. Like the reason I have borderline personality disorder is because my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts growing up. It's like I had a good dad and a good mom and a bad dad and a bad mom. they were either good or they were either bad there was no in between. it's usually based on childhood trauma along with bipolar as far as the trauma it's an exhausting existence.
I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder circles around fear of Abandonment whether it be real or fake not loving ones self. Like the reason I have borderline personality disorder is because my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts growing up. It's like I had a good dad and a good mom and a bad dad and a bad mom. they were either good or they were either bad. it's usually based on childhood trauma along with bipolar as far as the trauma it's an exhausting existence.
I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder circles around fear of Abandonment whether it be real or fake not living ones self. Like the reason I have borderline personality disorder is because my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts growing up. It's like I had a good dad and a good mom and a bad dad and a bad mom. they were either good or they were either bad. it's usually based on childhood trauma along with bipolar as far as the trauma it's an exhausting existence.
I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder circles around abandonment fear of Abandonment whether it be real or fake to the people who have it it is very very real it's usually based on childhood trauma along with bipolar as far as the trauma it's an exhausting existence.