Smart on you, ,, 2.5 years ago when Biden stold the election , a phenomenal housing market broke out in Florida bc of mass Exodus from New York and California, I sold a house,that was paid off I had at quit a profit, I purchased weapons and ammo for myself and all the people in my family, I also purchased silver, lots of it. Some gold too. And I have stocked up on about a years worth of drygoods . I saw this coming , the economy is failing and I am preparing for a complete social economic collapse . Get ready everyone.
Smart on you, ,, 2.5 years ago when Biden stold the election , a phenomenal housing market broke out in Florida bc of mass Exodus from New York and California, I sold a house I had at we quit a profit, I purchased weapons and ammo for myself and all the people in my family, I also purchased silver, lots of it. Some gold too. And I have stocked up on about a years worth of drygoods . I saw this coming , the economy is failing and I am preparing for a complete social economic collapse . Get ready everyone.