THINK ABOUT IT; MUCH OF OUR 401Ks are managed through Blackrock. And if Blackrock owns Dominion and bases it's portfolio foundation and it's assets on/with it's sister entity Dominion.
If FOX were to expose the corrupt Dominion enterprise and put them out of business (bankruptcy) the Blackrock/Dominion stock would massively decrease and our 401K retirement portfolios thereof. It would be devastating to Blackrock and the average American investments through employer/employee contributed retirement funds!
THINK ABOUT IT; MUCH OF OUR 401Ks are managed through Blackrock. And if Blackrock owns Dominion and bases it's portfolio foundation and it's assets on/with it's sister entity Dominion.
If FOX were to expose the corrupt Dominion enterprise and put them out of business (bankruptcy) the Blackrock/Dominion stock would massively decrease and our 401K retirement portfolios thereof. It would be devastating to Blackrock and the average American investments through employer/employee contributed retirement funds!
THINK ABOUT IT; MUCH OF OUR 401Ks are managed through Blackrock. And if Blackrock owns Dominion and bases it's portfolio foundation and it's assets on/with it's sister entity Dominion.
If FOX were to expose the corrupt Dominion enterprise, the stock would massively decrease and our 401K retirement portfolios thereof. It would be devastating!