You are aware that the people of Australia are not privy to all the details of "The Voice to Parliament" aren't you? PM Albanese et al will not divulge. Instead we are fed "appeal to emotion" dribble designed to pull the heart strings of weak minded propaganda gobblers.
What we do know nefariously aligns with what we read in this article. I'm Australian. I was born here. There's no way in hell I'll be accepting new laws requiring payments to an unelected government entity if I want to go to the beach, a river, a national park, etc. Because that is what's on the table. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm well aware of the Mabo case. I was living in Townsville (as was he) while it unfolded. I grew up with many aboriginal and islander friends and school mates.
This "voice" bullshit is designed to sow division and encourage racism, all in the name of indigenous rights.
You are aware that the people of Australia are not privy to all the details of "The Voice to Parliament" aren't you? PM Albanese et al will not divulge. Instead we are fed "appeal to emotion" dribble designed to pull the heart strings of weak minded propaganda gobblers.
What we do know nefariously aligns with what we read in this article. I'm Australian. I was born here. There's no way in hell I'll be accepting new laws requiring payments to an unelected government entity if I want to go to the beach, a river, a national park, etc. Because that is what's on the table. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm well aware of the Mabo case. I was living in Townsville (as was he) while it unfolded. I grew up with many aboriginal and islander friends and school mates.
This "voice" bullshit is designed to sow division and encourage racism, all in the name of indigenous rights.