Might wanna recheck your math and go to AB Inbev’s website... you will see they proudly display Corona/Modelo as one of the 500 brands that they own. This, was after I selected The United States as my country.*
*you could livee in a country where AB Inbev licenses the manufacturing of Corona/Modelo to a regional distributor. Hence, your son doesn’t work for AB Inbev when in actuality he does.
Might wanna recheck your math and go to AB Inbev’s website... you will see they proudly display Corona/Modelo as one of the 500 brands that they own. This, was after I selected The United States as my country.*
*you mightblive in a country where AB Inbev licenses the manufacturing of Corona/Modelo to a regional distributor. Hence, your son doesn’t work for AB Inbev when in actuality he does.
Might wanna recheck your math and go to AB Inbev’s website... you will see they proudly display Corona/Modelo as one of the 500 brands that they own. This, was after I selected The United States as my country.