Here's my thoughts:
Beware false prophets. Anyone saying they know that this coronation isn't going to take place has absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject. In fact, everyone outside Charles' circle has zero knowledge. The only person who will stop this coronation is Charles himself. (God may have other plans, but God isn't a human entity, so I don't take into account that part of this thought.)
Everything is "hinky" in the world now...everything. No body knows for certain what's going to happen day to day, and no one ever has known, nor will ever know with any certainty what can or will happen day to day, so for people to say they do is an asinine assumption on their part.
"NSWIC: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" goes both ways: White Hat AND Black Hat. Of that, I am certain. We've been told that words and phrases have double and even multiple meanings, so for that one phrase to only apply to the White Hat community is also an asinine assumption. Cases in point: Covid lockdowns, restrictions, and subsequent vaccine mandates or recommendations, Buyden's selection as POTUS46, highest inflation rates since the 70's and climbing higher daily, countries dropping the USD as a form of trade currency, bank failures and consolidations, major corporation failures, continuing election theft world wide, the WEF basically controlling the world thru the UN, I could go on but I think y'all get my meaning by now. Since NSWIC, no one knows for even a second that Charles won't be coronated, even if it's only for days/weeks/months. He'll still be coronated because the globalists say he will. Th globalists OPENLY don't think William is up to that task yet, so Charles will most likely be "officially recognized" as UK King this weekend. Which brings me to my 4th point.
ONLY God knows what's in store for humanity at any given time. Especially now. So, barring some "divine providential" interruption in the WEF's plans, Charles will be King, as he has already been named King. The coronation is for the Normie's benefit to begin with. It gives them a sense of belonging to something grander than themselves. Charles isn't being referred to as Prince any longer and hasn't been officially recognized as "Prince Charles" since minutes after his mommy passed away. Go back and read the news reports for yourselves. Can you name one instance where he hasn't been recognized as king? The reason why it's taken this long for an "official" coronation has more to do with planning all the pomp & circumstance than it does with his actual elevation. His real elevation took place moments after Elizabeth kicked the bucket, as in, "The Queen is dead. Long live the King." Anyone thinking Charles wasn't elevated in this manner right after her death hasn't been paying attention to the official news reports regarding Charles. Not one has continued to call him "Prince." This situation is similar to how LBJ was elevated to POTUS mere moments after JFK was assassinated. The UK's House of Lords isn't stupid, and in order to keep "The Realm" intact for these last few months, Charles would've had to have been elevated right after his mommy's death, otherwise there would've been a Normie revolt.
Why do any of you here on GAW and outside the UK even care about this in the first place? Why do Normie Americans care about some pompous, self serving jackass like Charles? And why is this post even stickied? Does it even matter since we all here know who is actually in charge? He's a freaking puppet for crying out loud, and according to every Brit I've ever conversed with, the monarchy is a figurehead, so what's the deal here?
Here's my thoughts:
Beware false prophets. Anyone saying they know that this coronation isn't going to take place has absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject. In fact, everyone outside Charles' circle has zero knowledge. The only person who will stop this coronation is Charles himself. (God may have other plans, but God isn't a human entity, so I don't take into account that part of this thought.)
Everything is "hinky" in the world now...everything. No body knows for certain what's going to happen day to day, and no one ever has known, nor will ever know with any certainty what can or will happen day to day, so for people to say they do is an asinine assumption on their part.
"NSWIC: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" goes both ways: White Hat AND Black Hat. Of that, I am certain. We've been told that words and phrases have double and even multiple meanings, so for that one phrase to only apply to the White Hat community is also an asinine assumption. Cases in point: Covid lockdowns, restrictions, and subsequent vaccine mandates or recommendations, Buyden's selection as POTUS46, highest inflation rates since the 70's and climbing higher daily, countries dropping the USD as a form of trade currency, bank failures and consolidations, major corporation failures, continuing election theft world wide, the WEF basically controlling the world thru the UN, I could go on but I think y'all get my meaning by now. Since NSWIC, don't know honk for even a s cond that Charles won't be coronated, even if it's only for days/weeks/months. He'll still be coronated because the globalists say he will. Th globalists OPENLY don't think William is up to that task yet, so Charles will most likely be UK King this weekend. Which brings me to my 4th point.
ONLY God knows what's in store for humanity at any given time. Especially now. So, barring some "divine providential" interruption in the WEF's plans, Charles will be King, as he has already been named King. The coronation is for the Normie's benefit to begin with. It gives them a sense of belonging to something grander than themselves. Charles isn't being referred to as Prince any longer and hasn't t been officially recognized as "Prince Charles" since minutes after his mommy passed away. The reason why it's taken this long for an "official" coronation has more to do with planning all the pomp & circumstance than it does with his actual elevation. His real elevation took place moments after Elizabeth kocked the bucket, as in, "The Queen is dead. Long live the King." Anyone thinking Charles wasn't elevated in this manner right after her death hasn't been paying attention to the official news reports regarding Charles. Not one has continued to call him "Prince." This situation is similar to how LBJ was elevated to POTUS mere moments after JFK was assassinated. The UK's House of Lords isn't stupid, and in order to keep "The Realm" intact for these last few months, Charles would've had to have been elevated right after his mommy's death.
Why do any of you here on GAW and outside the UK even care about this in the first place? Why do Normie Americans care about some pompous, self serving jackass like Charles? And why is this post even stickied? Does it even matter since we all here know who is actually in charge? He's a freaking puppet for crying out loud, and according to every Brit I've ever conversed with, the monarchy is a figurehead, so what's the deal here?