Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier? Like how rich French bastards consume ortolan.
Edit - it was the 2019 Golden Globes if anyone GAF about revisiting yet more projection by these what we now truly know them for what they are filthy cunts.
Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier? Like how rich French bastards consume ortolan.
Edit - it was the 2019 Golden Globes if anyone GAF about reviewing yet more projection by these what we know truly know them for what they are filthy cunts.
Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier? Like how rich French bastards consume ortolan.
Edit - it was the 2019 Golden Globes if anyone GAF.
Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier? Like how the rich bastards consume ortolan.
Edit - it was the 2019 Golden Globes if anyone GAF.
Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier?
Edit - it was the 2019 Golden Globes if anyone GAF.
Just don't go having any ortolans s'il vous plait.
Remember they did that stupid 'flu shots' thing at one of their circle-jerk award ceremonies, and told the 'needle-phobic' that they would place cloths over their heads to make it easier?