Leaving it open to discussion for now, but I'm reading the bill here:
If I follow correctly, the antiemetic language is a modifier to property damage/defacement/graffiti type activity.
If you are upset that you can no longer spray paint "mah joos killed jesus" on a synagogue, I'm having a hard time siding with you.
Please keep things civil, reasonable, and factual, or it will be treated as forum sliding.
Leaving it open for discussion for now, but I'm reading the bill here:
If I follow correctly, the antiemetic language is a modifier to property damage/defacement/graffiti type activity.
If you are upset that you can no longer spray paint "mah joos killed jesus" on a synagogue, I'm having a hard time siding with you.
Please keep things civil, reasonable, and factual, or it will be treated as forum sliding.