Spend your life preparing yourself. If and when the events you were preparing for come to pass, you will be ready, and the people around you will understand why you were reading the books you read, waking up early every morning to do physical training, teaching yourself to farm in whatever ways you could, building proficiency in self-defense, ethics, health, time-management, labor, maintaining and improving upon your equipment and your self. Setting standards for yourself and exceeding them for no reason discernable to an outside observer. When events happen that you are ready for, and they are not, then they'll be ready to learn from you.
Normies will always live la vida loca. They are temporally incognizant. You can't change that. Its like color blindness. Its not that they lack intellect. They lack sight. They don't or can't stretch their awareness forward and see the relationships and interconnectedness between action and outcome if the distance between the two is too great. They don't have a basis for that kind of thinking. Same concept in reverse, in hindsight, in understanding how we got to where we are. It takes an enormous amount of critical analysis of cause and effect to see how (metaphorically) yesterday's seeds are the forests we see today.
Christians would understand this concept best as this:
I think farmers have better sight than most. To farm you need to know not just what to plant, but in which soil and in which season to plant.
Spend your life preparing yourself. If and when the events you were preparing for come to pass, you will be ready, and the people around you will understand why you were reading the books you read, waking up early every morning to do physical training, teaching yourself to farm in whatever ways you could, building proficiency in self-defense, ethics, health, time-management, labor, maintaining and improving upon your equipment and your self. Setting standards for yourself and exceeding them for no reason discernable to an outside observer. When events happen that you are ready for, and they are not, then they'll be ready to learn from you.
Normies will always live la vida loca. They are temporally incognizant. You can't change that. Its like color blindness. Its not that they lack intellect. They lack sight. Probabilities and possibilities that are too far out from the discernable present day causes for them to stretch their awareness forward and see the relationship. Same concept in reverse in understanding how we got to where we are. It takes an enormous amount of critical analysis of cause and effect to see how (metaphorically) yesterday's seeds are the forests we see today.
Christians would understand this concept best as this:
I think farmers have better sight than most. To farm you need to know not just what to plant, but in which soil and in which season to plant.
Spend your life preparing yourself. If and when the events you were preparing for come to pass, you will be ready, and the people around you will understand why you were reading the books you read, waking up early every morning to do physical training, teaching yourself to farm in whatever ways you could, building proficiency in self-defense, ethics, health, time-management, labor, maintaining and improving upon your equipment and your self. Setting standards for yourself and exceeding them for no reason discernable to an outside observer. When events happen that you are ready for, and they are not, then they'll be ready to learn from you.
Normies will always live la vida loca. They are temporally incognizant. You can't change that. Its like color blindness. Its not that they lack intellect. They lack sight. Probabilities and possibilities that are too far out from the discernable present day causes for them to stretch their awareness forward and see the relationship.
Christians would understand this concept best as this:
I think farmers have better sight than most. To farm you need to know not just what to plant, but in which soil and in which season to plant.