I believe it's more likely that our lying, thieving government that had just murdered JFK pocketed the billions in space research for themselves and then gave us a Stanley Kubrick-directed moon landing livestream hoax in return.
EDIT: You are not permitted to question the moon landing narrative, folks. I am now banned because of this comment. The government murdered our President, stole an election from another, are actively trying to kill us with genocidal vaccines, but they are totally 100% telling the truth about this one single thing and it's a ban-worthy offense to say otherwise. Sad to see folks claiming to be part of an alleged "Great Awakening" still believe the official government narrative about anything. We have a long ways to go before people really wake up.
I believe it's more likely that our lying, thieving government that had just murdered JFK pocketed the billions in space research for themselves and then gave us a Stanley Kubrick-directed moon landing livestream hoax in return.