Many Latino/Hispanic people consider themselves white. There are still some old families in Mexico whose ancestors were the Spanish nobility and they consider themselves white.
Race/ethnicity/heritage/culture are not cut and dried concepts. There's a lot of overlap.
And just because someone isn't white doesn't mean they're incapable of having white supremacist ideals. It's extremely common in places the British colonized. There's a reason why women in India spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a year on skin whitening products and procedures.
Edited to add:
If the argument is that only white people can believe in white supremacy, then what exactly do you think "Uncle Tom" implies?
Many Latino/Hispanic people consider themselves white. There are still some old families in Mexico whose ancestors were the Spanish nobility and they consider themselves white.
Race/ethnicity/heritage/culture are not cut and dried concepts. There's a lot of overlap.
And just because someone isn't white doesn't mean they're incapable of having white supremacist ideals. It's extremely common in places the British colonized. There's a reason why women in India spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a year on skin whitening products and procedures.