This particular battle being fought against the cabal globalists, we (America) have fought at least 3 times before. If this is still part of the post WW2 battle one could argue this is the “Truman Show”.
Lincoln fought it. Jackson fought it. Washington/Jefferson fought it. (Possibly Teddy Roosevelt fought it). Note who is on Mt Rushmore. I think there is room for Trump there now?
This particular battle being fought against the cabal globalists, we (America) have fought at least 3 times before. If this is still part of the post WW2 battle one could argue this is the “Truman Show”.
Lincoln fought it. Jackson fought it. Washington/Jefferson fought it. (Possibly Teddy Roosevelt fought it). Note who is on Mt Rushmore. I think there is room for Trump there now?
This particular battle being fought against the cabal globalists, we (America) have fought at least 3 times before. If this is still part of the post WW2 battle one could argue this is the “Truman Show”.
Lincoln fought it. Jackson fought it. Washington/Jefferson fought it. (Possibly Teddy Roosevelt fought it).
This particular battle being fought against the cabal globalists, we (America) have fought at least 3 times before. If this is still part of the post WW2 battle one could argue this is the “Truman Show”.
Lincoln fought it. Jackson fought it. Washington/Jefferson fought it.
This particular battle being fought against the cabal globalist we (America) have fought at least 3 times before.