Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
But, just off the top o' me gulliver:
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Desperation, Distraught, Distress, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Depopulation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list...without Donald! :)
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
But, just off the top o' me gulliver:
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Desperation, Distraught, Distress, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Depopulation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, TRump, or tRuth
But, just off the top o' me gulliver:
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Desperation, Distraught, Distress, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Depopulation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
But, just off the top o' me gulliver:
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Desperation, Distraught, Distress, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Depopulation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
But, just off the top o' me gulliver:
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Desperation, Distraught, Distress, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation, Demon, Devil...
On anD on goes the D-list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize:
There is no D in patRiotism, goveRnment, libeRty, spiRituality, or tRuth
Disease, Despair, Despotism, Destruction, Decay, Demoralization, Decrepitude, Dirt, Dastardly, Defeat, Debilitation, Delapidation, Dysfunction, Derangement, Dementia, Disenfranchisement, Distortion, Degradation...
On anD on goes the list
Upvoted - You just helped me realize: