Purportedly, they each got a note signed by GHW Bush saying "They know everything. I'm sorry."
I think it's too many words to process fast enough for the instantaneous facial and bodily reactions we saw that day; I think it had to be an image, maybe of Poppy abusing a child; but that's just IMHO.
Laura Bush, upon being handed a document from W that was NOT in an envelope, showed it to Jeb, got the sickest look ever, and asked W "Is this true?" to which he replied "Yep" and looked at the floor, frowning. So that would fit with the theory of it saying "They know everything. I'm sorry."
Purportedly, they each got a note signed by GHW Bush saying "They know everything. I'm sorry."
I think it's too many words to process fast enough for the instantaneous facial and bodily reactions we saw that day; I think it had to be an image, maybe of Poppy abusing a child; but that's just IMHO.
Laura Bush, upon seeing a document that was NOT in an envelope, showed it to Jeb, got the sickest look ever, and asked W "Is this true?" to which he replied "Yep" and looked at the floor, frowning. So that would fit with the theory of it saying "They know everything. I'm sorry."