The military is in control. Military law supersedes civilian law in wartime. Read laws and orders, executive orders, UCMJ, military justice code, emergency orders, Federal Continuity Directives 1& 2, FEMA reconstitution of govt. It's all right there for anyone to read. It's long and tedious. If you don't like to read, find a podcaster who is going over these documents and explaining how this ties into current events.
The military is in control. Military law supercedes civilian law in wartime. Read laws and orders, executive orders, UCMJ, military justice code, emergency orders, Federal Continuity Directives 1& 2, FEMA reconstitution of govt. It's all right there for anyone to read. It's long and tedious. If you don't like to read, find a podcaster who is going over these documents and explaining how this ties into current events.