Fake, stupid people or actors.
Half the nurses I know would snort coke of a bathroom toilet.
Some of them are good.
They should not be indefinitely held at some sort of higher hero status like what was pushed during the scamdemic.
They were making huge bank off overtime.
They don't have any knowledge you can't readily learn.
Most of their knowledge is made up pseudo science. Brainwashing from the top down.
Certain subsets of Doctors can straight up fuck off imo. Most of them. Snake oil salesmen.
Unless they are surgeons working on bodily trauma etc.
Fake, stupid people or actors.
Half the nurses I know would snort coke of a bathroom toilet.
Some of them are good.
They should not be indefinitely held at some sort of higher hero status like what was pushed during the scamdemic.
They were making huge bank off overtime.
They don't have any knowledge you can't readily learn.
Most of their knowledge is made up pseudo science. Brainwashing from the top down.
Certain subsets of Doctors can straight up fuck off imo. Most of them.
Unless they are surgeons working on bodily trauma etc.