Apologies for the stream of conciseness... but I remember hearing of Kim for the first time back in 1999 when Napster was getting sued - Megaupload was quickly becoming the alternative to downloading. Years later the FBI would lead a raid Kimdotcoms New Zealand mansion.
People don’t remember this but the internet was still pretty much in it’s infancy back then, it was the Wild West. Apple computer was riding to the top with Steve Jobs at the helm again. Amongst the rapid growth of the internet, in other news John F Kennedy Jr would “die” in a plane crash that year. In world news there is talks of a one world currency with the debut of the Euro and more discussion of getting rid of coins altogether in the US.
1999 was a tipping point year for me. So much info was coming at an incredible pace. It’s easy today to step back and connect the dots to where we are now. But living in fear that Y2K was going to destroy the internet, everything connected to it and in essence the world. What a thrill and ultimate let down that dud Y2K turned out to be. 1998 and 1999 were the years that talk of hoarding silver and “prepping” with food and necessities was nonstop. Almost reminds me of “10 days of darkness” now.
I do believe the Trump attacks we see from people like Elon or Kim are intentional - if for anything to get people talking and to nudge normies awake.
This war is being conducted on a level never seen before. But has it’s roots from everything leading up to now, all the wars, all the control/manipulation for centuries, layers upon layers of psyop 5D chess.
What a time to be alive!
Edit to add: meant to but forgot to say that both The Matrix and Fight Club movies came out in 1999. Both films in my opinion that are groundbreaking eye openers that show the destruction of the "establishment" and even more relevant today then when they made their debut.
Apologies for the stream of conciseness... but I remember hearing of Kim for the first time back in 1999 when Napster was getting sued - Megaupload was quickly becoming the alternative to downloading. Years later the FBI would lead a raid Kimdotcoms New Zealand mansion.
People don’t remember this but the internet was still pretty much in it’s infancy back then, it was the Wild West. Apple computer was riding to the top with Steve Jobs at the helm again. Amongst the rapid growth of the internet, in other news John F Kennedy Jr would “die” in a plane crash that year. In world news there is talks of a one world currency with the debut of the Euro and more discussion of getting rid of coins altogether in the US.
1999 was a tipping point year for me. So much info was coming at an incredible pace. It’s easy today to step back and connect the dots to where we are now. But living in fear that Y2K was going to destroy the internet, everything connected to it and in essence the world. What a thrill and ultimate let down that dud Y2K turned out to be. 1998 and 1999 were the years that talk of hoarding silver and “prepping” with food and necessities was nonstop. Almost reminds me of “10 days of darkness” now.
I do believe the Trump attacks we see from people like Elon or Kim are intentional - if for anything to get people talking and to nudge normies awake.
This war is being conducted on a level never seen before. But has it’s roots from everything leading up to now, all the wars, all the control/manipulation for centuries, layers upon layers of psyop 5D chess.
What a time to be alive.