Fake and ghey. I'm still waiting for those Chinese soldiers in Canada to invade...
I find it funny how any suggestion on PDW that things are not as bad as they seem and that we are gonna get through this is shouted down as hopium and Qtardism, even if strong evidence is provided (such as Devolution, or simply pointing out that we are not in a kinetic WW3, despite the deep state's efforts to turn Ukraine into one), but they will believe literally anything if it suggests that we are all about to be rounded up and thrown in camps. The blackpill is a hell of a drug.
Fake and ghey. I'm still waiting for those Chinese soldiers in Canada to invade...
I find it funny how any suggestion on PDW that things are not as bad as they seem and that we are gonna get through this is shouted down as hopium and Qtardism, even if strong evidence is provided (such as Devolution), but they will believe literally anything if it suggests that we are all about to be rounded up and thrown in camps. The blackpill is a hell of a drug.
Fake and ghey. I'm still waiting for those Chinese soldiers in Canada to invade...
I find it funny how any suggestion on PDW that things are not as bad as they seem and that we are gonna get through this is shouted down as hopium and Qtardism, but they will believe literally anything if it suggests that we are all about to be rounded up and thrown in camps. The blackpill is a hell of a drug.
Fake and ghey. I'm still waiting for those Chinese soldiers in Canada to invade...