Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know a thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both buildings ( and WTC7) prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you claim the plane(s) everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting @ over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know a thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both buildings ( and WTC7) prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you claim the plane(s) everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know a thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both buildings prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you claim the plane(s) everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know a thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both those building prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you claim the plane(s) everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both those building prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you claim the plane(s) everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both those building prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you believe the plane everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts? Furthermore, what would the drones be reinforced with? DEPLETED URANIUM is the answer and explains the high levels of radiation in the weeks and months at Ground Zero.
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both those building prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you believe the plane everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb impacting it over 600 kts?
lol NEXT!!
Weakened structure at point of impact.
You don't know thing about controlled demolitions, do you?
Do you realize how much work went into weakening both those building prior to demolition?
Funny how you're so skeptical about what millions of people witnessed with their own eyes, yet you believe the plane everyone saw was AS DESCRIBED. Ever consider that was not a NORMAL JET but a retrofitted and reinforced flying bomb?
lol NEXT!!