The fact multiple lower courts ruled against this lady then the SC overturned those rulings shows just how broken this shit is. Courts should have a level of consistency that is not open for debate or the ability to be so subjective.
Many people would have taken their losses in the lower courts and been completely screwed with the wrong ruling.
Courts need to find a way to be less dependent on judges and attorneys or more dependent on simply a fair and simple rule of law.
And if lower courts get it wrong so frequently to be overturned by higher courts, why is there no consequences for the lower courts making a wrong ruling?
The fact multiple lower courts ruled against this lady then the SC overturned those rulings shows just how broken this shit is. Courts should have a level of consistency that is not open for debate or the ability to be so subjective.
Many people would have taken their losses in the lower courts and been completely screwed with the wrong ruling.
Courts need to find a way to be less dependent on judges and attorneys or more dependent on simply a fair and simple rule of law.
The fact multiple lower courts ruled against this lady then the SC overturned those rulings shows just how broken this shit is. Courts should have a level of consistency that is not open for debate or the ability to be so subjective.