I disagree -- strongly.
What most people do not know is that there are TWO types of minerals: organic and inorganic.
There is organic iron and inorganic iron. There is organic copper and inorganic copper, etc.
Humans can ONLY digest, absorb, and utilize organic minerals, which are found in foods -- ideally, animal foods.
So-called "mineral water" has inorganic minerals, which are nothing more than rocks.
We cannot utilize rocks, and in fact they build up toxins within us.
ALL the organic minerals we need are found in animals foods. They are the right type and in the right amounts (as long as we eat enough food).
The only type of water anyone should drink is distilled water, because it is pure H2O, with zero inorganic minerals.
If you search this topic on the cabal's internet, you will find articles about how distilled water will leach minerals from your body.
YES! It will leach INORGANIC minerals, which your body does NOT want and cannot use.
Adding rocks to your diet is NOT a good idea.
We humans have 4 needs from our diet: Amino acids (from proteins), fatty acids (from saturated fats), vitamins and minerals. All 4 of these are found in abundance in animals foods.
Anything else is less than optimal.
I disagree -- strongly.
What most people do not know is that there are TWO types of minerals: organic and inorganic.
There is organic iron and inorganic iron. There is organic copper and inorganic copper, etc.
Humans can ONLY digest, absorb, and utilize organic minerals, which are found in foods -- ideally, animal foods.
So-called "mineral water" has inorganic minerals, which are nothing more than rocks.
We cannot utilize rocks, and in fact they build up toxins within us.
ALL the organic minerals we need are found in animals foods. They are the right type and in the right amounts (as long as we eat enough food).
The only type of water anyone should drink is distilled water, because it is pure H2O, with zero inorganic minerals.
If you search this topic on the cabal's internet, you will find articles about how distilled water will leach minerals from your body.
YES! It will leach INORGANIC minerals, which your body does NOT want and cannot use.
Adding rocks to your diet is NOT a good idea.
We humans have 4 needs from our diet: Amino acids (from proteins), fatty acids (from fats), vitamins and minerals. All 4 of these are found in abundance in animals foods.
Anything else is less than optimal.