Dulce Base New Mexico - home of a massive D.U.M.B
Phil Schnieder talked about this base decades ago being used for human-alien hybrid experiments. Wonder if they will ever find the tunnel entrances at Epstein ranch.
Edit: This Revelo Project youtube channel is great. Subscribed.
Here is a clip from a Dr Malone interview they did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q9hVwoRx-A
Dulce Base New Mexico - home of a massive D.U.M.B
Phil Schnieder talked about this base decades ago being used for human-alien hybrid experiments. Wonder if they will find tunnel entrances near Epstein ranch.
Dulce Base New Mexico - home of a massive D.U.M.B
Phil Schnieder talked about this base being used for hybrid experiments. Wonder if they will find tunnel entrances near Epstein ranch.