But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why" it was excluded, as there is for all of the most important issues (everything really important gets "debunked" e.g.). People believe those explanations. However, I suggest there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why" it was excluded, as there is for all of the most important issues (everything really important gets "debunked" e.g.). People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why" it was excluded. People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of it, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead including a clear and explicit statement of it, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. Instead, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Instead, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Instead, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
The People (We The People) may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." People today believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest the vast majority have no idea what that means, but they absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries. From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free Nation actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of their beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it. I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
- Thomas Jefferson
- George Washington
- Benjamin Franklin
- Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other found fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why." People believe those explanations. However, there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace (propaganda) that leads us to our beliefs, then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Instead, a complete lack of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can) was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. This would have been a really tough sell if "property" was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI.
As an aside, this is itself a fraud. A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.