Nuke theory doesn't pan out.
it has the wrong focus, and is a misdirection from WTC7 (The smoking gun):
This is an example of the gaslighting that's been going on around 9/11:
Planes/No-Planes. Nukes. Space lasers.
They do this shit to distract from the truth that WTC7 that was the smoking gun. This is the best we have made in over 20+ years: proving that fire did not cause that building to fall:
Nuke theory doesn't pan out.
it has the wrong focus, and is a misdirection from WTC7 (The smoking gun):
This is an example of the gaslighting that's been going on around 9/11:
Planes/No-Planes. Nukes. Space lasers.
They do this shit to distract from the truth that WTC7 that was the smoking gun:
This is the best we have made in over 20+ years: proving that fire did not cause that building to fall:
Nuke theory doesn't pan out.
it has the wrong focus, and is a misdirection from WTC7 (The smoking gun):