You want anonymous voting.
I suggest anonymous within group of 100 (or so)
and have a forensic tear --- to match to your receipt.
In other words --- I know I voted in lot 47 (100 per lot) and my tear looks like this (images posted online)
I can check my vote while staying anonymous.
I would have to sort through 100 tears to find mine.
You want anonymous voting.
I suggest anonymous within group of 100 (or so)
and have a forensic tear --- to match to your receipt.
In other words --- I know I voted in lot 47 (100 per lot) and my tear look like this (images posted online)
I can check my vote while staying anonymous.
I would have to sort through 100 tears to find mine.
You want anonymous voting.
I suggest anonymous within group of 100 (or so)
and have a forensic tear --- to match to your receipt.
In other words --- I know I voted in lot 47 (100 per lot) and my tear look like this (images posted online)
I can check my vote whiles staying anonymous.
I would have to sort through 100 tears to find mine.