Please note that the information in #1 under tweety51 Chirps Up is an incorrect date and should not have been posted. That clip is an excerpt from their presentation (#2 ) which was given in 1995...
This was based on her Congressional testimony which was also given in 1995...
Please note that the information in #1 under tweety51 Chirps Up is an incorrect date and should not have been posted. That clip is an excerpt from their presentation (#2 ) which was given in 1995...
This was based on her Congressional testimony which was also given in 1995...
Please note that the information in #1 under tweety51 Chirps Up is an incorrect date and should not have been posted. That clip is an excerpt from their presentation (#2 ) which was given in 1995...
This is not her Congressional testimony which was also given in 1995...
Please note that the information in #1 under tweety51 Chirps Up is an incorrect date. That clip is an excerpt from their presentation (#2 ) which was given in 1995...
This is not her Congressional testimony which was also given in 1995...
Sorry for the incorrect information...
Please note that the information in #1 under tweety51 Chirps Up is an incorrect date. That clip is an excerpt from the talk she gave (#2 ) which was given in 1995...
This is not her Congressional testimony which was also given in 1995...
Sorry for the incorrect information...