Can you point to where I said I was talking about Jesus quotes from the bible?
Going for the no true Scotsman I see. Let's hear some counterarguments instead of leading questions, shall we?
Going for the no true Scotsman I see. Like I said, Jesus's message contains nuggets of truth but the organized religion surrounding them is a cabal control mechanism. Let's hear some counterarguments instead of leading questions, shall we?
Going for the no true Scotsman I see.
Instead of trying to invalidate my position with the no true Scotsman fallacy, say what you mean to say. Are you saying the doctrine of original sin is not part of Christianity? Is worshiping of Jesus Christ, a human, as the only lord and savior not part of Christianity?
Instead of trying to invalidate my position with the no true Scotsman fallacy, say what you mean to say. Are you saying the doctrine of original sin is not part of Christianity? Is worshiping Jesus Christ, a human, as the only lord and savior not part of Christianity?
Instead of trying to invalidate my position with the no true Scotsman fallacy, say what you mean to say. Are you saying the doctrine of original sin is not part of Christianity?
Say what you mean to say. Also, are you saying the concept of original sin is not part of Christianity?