Piglosi was a toothless old drunk hag, but, she knew how to use the power of Congress. Impeach wray, then Garland, then tater head. Its won't get passed in the Senate BUT SO WHAT!!! Present all the dirty tricks and illegal things they they have done, with evidence. What's that statement everyone likes saying???? "How do you present evidence legally?" I think impeachment is legal. I would love to see the uniparty defense for sitting on the 1320's for all these years.
Piglosi was a toothless old drunk hag, but, she knew how to use the power of Congress. Impeach wray, then Garland, then tater head. Its won't get passed in the Senate BUT SO WHAT!!! Present all the dirty tricks and illegal things they they have done, with evidence. What's that statement everyone likes saying???? "How do you present evidence legally?" I think impeachment is legal.