I was listening trying to find terms and key dead giveaways that indicate a lack of understanding of our relation to God in terms of Grace and Mercy as I think it's essential. Grace being freely given positive things without deserving them, with mercy being NOT given punishment we do deserve. In essence, His mercy with holds the punishment of hell which is deserving in the flesh, with His grace applying His righteousness to us giving us rewards undeserving (heaven). If you mix the two, it's the old works / salvation being intermingled as the wool and linen forbade in imagery of the old testament (wool/Lamb/Jesus/His Blood) vs (linen/flax/produce/our works of righteousness).
3:15 Patrick cites Tate in context of Islam being the last religion states "Cause you've gotta earn His right, I wanna earn your right and respect." God isn't impressed with a single thing we do, except when we put on His righteousness through faith in Christ, and that's only because He now sees His own works. Our own works are an outward witness to the world, so that like James 2 "faith without works is dead being alone" the man witnessing the non-working believer doesn't say to us "Show me your works" God sees our faith man sees our works is my point. We are justified by God to God by our faith alone, and justified by man to man by our works alone. Mixing the two, is the issue here. We don't earn God's respect, we do however align with Him. So actual Christianity framed properly is very different than Islam or falsely so-called Christian groups and the rest of religion as a whole, in that if you go into it with the idea that you are going to get to earn heaven by being good. Then you are going to just see yet another religion that's in the grab bag that can fit your line of thinking to pull you away from turning from trusting in your own works to go to heaven, and fully trusting in the finished work of the cross. Praise Jesus for loving us so much He made it easy even for simple people like myself.
I think framing it that there needing to be an equal and opposite force of evil and good is strange to claim as well, as I get the Yin and Yang aspect people want to integrate. But there was a time prior to Satan's fall, that there wasn't. There will also be a time after the resurrection, where there isn't. It also already isn't really as only ~ 1/3rd of the angels fell and the strongest amongst them being Satan combined with all of them isn't even close to equal with God. Satan doesn't rule over hell, he's destined to be burned there "in the presense of the Lamb" whom actually rules over heaven AND hell contrary to popular framing. Kind of silly all around tbh.
A lot of talk about demanding respect, needing to be feared which is what people thought Jesus was going to show up and do the first time and He didn't. He came and served, with humility. Roasted folk like nobody else, but He didn't come demanding to be respected, which is who we follow. I think it's just a case of people getting caught up in the spirit of religion as an idea, then testing the options as equal offerings. Which is understandable, I think a lot of it is relatable logic they are saying, but it's ultimately a carnalization of an attempt to observe the supernatural. They are flesh and bone and die to be judged off what they did. We are flesh and bone, with a born again Spirit that'll never die. Leading to a lot of texts addressing this life we still have left to live out, knowing with our own faults He will complete this good work He started in us at the resurrection of our flesh, and other texts addressing the coming life in which we are fully redeemed that people misapply to the now. We sit, strangers, foreigners in this land waiting the redemption of our body also. Strangers and foreigners and remnant type language for us always used isn't compatible with the idea of a true religion dominating the planet. It's about the minority, the few, the strait and narrow as it were. They belong here and are trying to show an extradimensional being that is impressed with nothing short of PERFECTION how they also deserve to be where He is, by means of...their own coming short of their own religions rules.
I was listening trying to find terms and key dead giveaways that indicate a lack of understanding of our relation to God in terms of Grace and Mercy as I think it's essential. Grace being freely given positive things without deserving them, with mercy being NOT given punishment we do deserve. In essence, His mercy with holds the punishment of hell which is deserving in the flesh, with His grace applying His righteousness to us giving us rewards undeserving (heaven). If you mix the two, it's the old works / salvation being intermingled as the wool and linen forbade in imagery of the old testament (wool/Lamb/Jesus/His Blood) vs (linen/flax/produce/our works of righteousness).
3:15 Patrick cites Tate in context of Islam being the last religion states "Cause you've gotta earn His right, I wanna earn your right and respect." God isn't impressed with a single thing we do, except when we put on His righteousness through faith in Christ, and that's only because He now sees His own works. Our own works are an outward witness to the world, so that like James 2 "faith without works is dead being alone" the man witnessing the non-working believer doesn't say to us "Show me your works" God sees our faith man sees our works is my point. We are justified by God to God by our faith alone, and justified by man to man by our works alone. Mixing the two, is the issue here. We don't earn God's respect, we do however align with Him. So actual Christianity framed properly is very different than Islam or falsely so-called Christian groups and the rest of religion as a whole, in that if you go into it with the idea that you are going to get to earn heaven by being good. Then you are going to just see yet another religion that's in the grab bag that can fit your line of thinking to pull you away from turning from trusting in your own works to go to heaven, and fully trusting in the finished work of the cross. Praise Jesus for loving us so much He made it easy even for simple people like myself.
I think framing it that there needing to be an equal and opposite force of evil and good is strange to claim as well, as I get the Yin and Yang aspect people want to integrate. But there was a time prior to Satan's fall, that there wasn't. There will also be a time after the resurrection, where there isn't. It also already isn't really as only ~ 1/3rd of the angels fell and the strongest amongst them being Satan combined with all of them isn't even close to equal with God. Satan doesn't rule over hell, he's destined to be burned there "in the presense of the Lamb" whom actually rules over heaven AND hell contrary to popular framing. Kind of silly all around tbh.
A lot of talk about demanding respect, needing to be feared which is what people thought Jesus was going to show up and do the first time and He didn't. He came and served, with humility. Roasted folk like nobody else, but He didn't come demanding to be respected, which is who we follow. I think it's just a case of people getting caught up in the spirit of religion as an idea, then testing the options as equal offerings. Which is understandable, I think a lot of it is relatable logic they are saying, but it's ultimately a carnalization of an attempt to observe the supernatural. They are flesh and bone and die to be judged off what they did. We are flesh and bone, with a born again Spirit that'll never die. Leading to a lot of texts addressing this life we still have left to live out, knowing with our own faults He will complete this good work He started in us at the resurrection of our flesh, and other texts addressing the coming life in which we are fully redeemed that people misapply to the now. We sit, strangers, foreigners in this land waiting the redemption of our body also. They belong here and are trying to show an extradimensional being that is impressed with nothing short of PERFECTION how they also deserve to be where He is, by means of...their own coming short of their own religions rules.