Trump always trolls to see what reactions he gets and from whom. I enjoy his process.
Since I'm in the mood to guess, right now I'd guess he'll choose Lake.
Knowing that Lake IS Trumps favorite VP choice right now puts his adversaries in a delicious lose/lose bind.
Having Lake on the campaign trail throughout 2024 as his VP pick, then on national TV debating Kamala and finally in DC as Trump's pitbull VP is a nightmare scenario for his adversaries.
However, the only way to avoid THAT nightmare from becoming reality is for the Swamp Rats to find a way for Lake to become Arizona's governor as the voters intended back in November of last year which would also turn a nightmare into a horrifying reality.
Trump always trolls to see what reactions he gets and from whom. I enjoy his process.
Since I'm in the mood to guess, right now I'd guess he'll choose Lake.
Knowing that Lake IS Trumps favorite VP choice right now puts his adversaries in a delicious lose/lose bind.
Having Lake on the campaign trail throughout 2024 as his VP pick, then on national TV debating Kamala and finally in DC as Trump's pitbull VP is a nightmare scenario for his adversaries.
However, the only way to avoid THAT nightmare from becoming reality is for the Swamp Rats to find a way for Lake to become Arizona's governor as the voters intended back in November of last year which is also turn a nightmare into a horrifying reality.
Trump always trolls to see what reactions he gets and from whom. I enjoy his process.
Since I'm in the mood to guess, right now I'd guess he'll choose Lake.
Knowing that Lake IS Trumps favorite VP choice right now puts his adversaries in a delicious lose/lose bind.
Having Lake on the campaign trail throughout 2024 as his VP pick, then on national TV debating Kamala and finally in DC has Trump's pitbull VP is a nightmare scenario for his adversaries.
However, the only way to avoid THAT nightmare from becoming reality is for the Swamp Rats to find a way for Lake to become Arizona's governor as the voters intended back in November of last year.