I saw that too that the schuman resonance of Earth has incresed gradually but steadily to a much higher frequency over a period of monitored years. No decrease mixed in, just steady raising. And living things respond to the changes. And many people do feel this is Earth moving to 4D over-all. Also said is that there are areas of our planet already in 4D. I don't remember where I read this but it was while researching things to conspiratorial sounding for GAW.....
I saw that too that the schuman resonance of Earth has incresed gradually but steadily to a much higher frequency over a period of monitored years. No decrease mixed in, just steady raising. And many people do feel this is Earth moving to 4D over-all. Also said is that there are areas of our planet already in 4D. I don't remember where I read this but it was while researching things to conspiratorial sounding for GAW.....