To say "The science is settled" is to clown yourself.
It's like impersonating a foreign emissary who is fluent in 15 languages and then speaking valley girl.
I wanna keep some normies in a matrix and see how much bullshit I can get them to say, for science. It seems there is literally no limit to how much you can warp their minds, tiny as motes of dust and with as much inertia.
To say "The science is settled" is to clown yourself.
It's like impersonating a foreign emissary who is fluent in 15 languages and then speaking valley girl.
I wanna keep some normies in a matrix and see how much bullshit I can get them to say.....and beat them with sticks, but with love in my heart.
To say "The science is settled" is to clown yourself.
It's like impersonating a foreign emissary who is fluent in 15 languages and then speaking valley girl.