Wow, forgot about that, but you are 100% correct.
That thermal issue is something us stupid roofers think a lot about, but NASA missed it in that case.
Ive thought about that O ring issue in past and to be honest?
Material science engineers are friggin amazingly smart, but to be in the field and see shiat fail is a whole different ballgame.
Thankfully, i have never installed a roof that failed and killed people, but it does occur.
For those that do not know?
Your shingle roof is never a danger. It is what we call a water shedder.
A flat roof?
Whole different animal. It is what we refer to as a water diverter.
And you better damn well make sure it is properly diverted.
Wow, forgot about that, but you are 100% correct.
That thermal issue is something us stupid roofers think a lot about, but NASA missed it in that case.
Ive thought about that O ring issue in past and to be honest?
Material science engineers are friggin amazingly smart, but to be in the field and see shiat fail is a whole different ballgame.
Thankfully, i have never installed a roof that failed and killed people, but it does occur.
Wow, forgot about that, but you are 100% correct.
That thermal issue is something us stupid roofers think a lot about, but NASA missed it in that case.
Ive thought about that O ring issue in past and to be honest?
Material science engineers are friggin amazingly smart, but to be in the field and see shiat fail is a whole different ballgame.