Quickest way to end this insanity is via lawsuit. Child tells their parent that little Suzie identifies as a cat and is allowed to do cat things in the class. Parent threatens school with lawsuit, 'my child is allergic to cats', and since little Suzie is now a cat, she should not be allowed in this school. School is forced to either ban the animal-identifying children from the premises (no pets/animals in school) or admit that those children are playing make-believe and reverse their initial decision to allow the woke nonsense.
Quickest way to end this insanity is via lawsuit. Child tells their parent that little Suzie identifies as a cat and is allowed to do cat things in the class. Parent threatens school with lawsuit, 'my child is allergic to cats', since little Suzie is now a cat, she should not be allowed in this school. Schools is forced either ban the animal-identifying children from the school (no pets in school) or admit that those children are playing make-believe and reverse their decision to allow the woke nonsense in the first place.