There are a couple of “who”s. It’s not just solely 1 person. Maybe 1-2 people that did the actual typing of the Drops. But the information has been supplied by several people of course, including divine. No way could’ve a computer alone (without Quantum Echos) or human person know all the future Intel without the pinpoint ability to see exactly that future, people, dates, and such. Project Looking Glass, per reported info we have, was never able to pinpoint beyond the best average guesses along Game and String Theory lines.
Kim Clement predicted a great many things, but the “timeline” for his prophecies varied by a decade or more, to when they’ve finally taken place. And some have for sure, but not all has passed yet, what he sermon’d about. I’m in the very very very tiny camp of God or Christ himself being directly involved in the future provided information.
There are a couple of “who”s. It’s not just solely 1 person. Maybe 1-2 people that did the actual typing of the Drops. But the information has been supplied by several people of course, including divine. No way could’ve a computer alone (without Quantum Echos) or human person know all the future Intel without the pinpoint ability to see exactly that future, people, dates, and such. Project Looking Glass, per reported info we have, was never able to pinpoint beyond the best average guesses along Game and String Theory lines.
Kim Clement predicted a great many things, but the “timeline” for his prophecies varied by a decade or more, to win they’ve taken place. And not all is done what he’s sermoned about. I’m in the very very very tiny camp of God or Christ himself being directly involved in the future provided information.
There are a couple of “who”s. It’s not just solely 1 person. Maybe 1-2 people that did the actual typing of the Drops. But the information has been supplied by several people of course, including divine. No way could’ve a computer or human person know all the future Intel without the pinpoint ability to see exactly that future, people, dates, and such. Project Looking Glass, per reported info we have, was never able to pinpoint beyond the best average guesses along Game and String Theory lines. I’m in the very very very tiny camp of God or Christ himself being directly involved in the future provided information.