I heard if you volunteer you get to meet Trump. you also get put in a raffle to be at the Clarence Thomas Statue Reveal during our year long 250 year Magadonian birthday bash. this hero parks gonna be the best park just terrific believe you me. Visit Jason Millers Twitter as well, good decodes. Heard the statue cast was a Rare photo of Thomas and Scalia smiling at the same time. that's like a double unicorn or some shit. There are no coincidences
I heard if you volunteer you get to meet Q and you also get put in a raffle to be at the Clarence Thomas Statue Reveal during our year long 250 year Magadonian birthday bash. this hero parks gonna be the best park just terrific believe you me. We're too far off the spiral now lads, obvious correlations only. Visit Jason Millers Twitter as well thanks.