I just got home from seeing it and feel the same.
The movie was good, but won’t show normies anything they hadn’t already heard about.
You can ask almost anyone if child trafficking is a serious problem and they will say “yes”. Basically what this does is have ppl talk about an issue they already know exists. I also noticed the theater had a lot of ppl who seemed to already be awake, not sure these ppl seeing this is going to do anything
It's obvious the media is under white hat control and if white hats were ready to wake everyone up “right now” to “act” on child trafficking WH’s could have the media pushing child trafficking stories, but they’re not.
This pretty much leaves me thinking we have a ways to go before our elites/cabal are exposed for their involvement. And, in another way it reinforces that at this point there’s nothing I can do to wake ppl up, that is in the hands of WH’s. If they want the ones left to wake up they can and will make that happen, other than that I’m sitting comfy with my popcorn!
** This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be active with memes and red pill post, we should! It’s just that those actions help ppl see that the realizations they have arrived to are held by other ppl which reinforces their conclusions, but we aren’t the ones waking their slow asses up. JM2C
I just got home from seeing it and feel the same.
The movie was good, but won’t show normies anything they hadn’t already heard about.
You can ask almost anyone if child trafficking is a serious problem and they will say “yes”. Basically what this does is have ppl talk about an issue they already know exists. I also noticed the theater had a lot of ppl who seemed to already be awake, not sure these ppl seeing this is going to do anything
It's obvious the media is under white hat control and if white hats were ready to wake everyone up to “act” on child trafficking WH’s could have the media pushing child trafficking stories, but they’re not.
This pretty much leaves me thinking we have a ways to go before our elites/cabal are exposed for their involvement. And, in another way it reinforces that at this point there’s nothing I can do to wake ppl up, that is in the hands of WH’s. If they want the ones left to wake up they can and will make that happen, other than that I’m sitting comfy with my popcorn!
** This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be active with memes and red pill post, we should! It’s just that those actions help ppl see that the realizations they have arrived to are held by other ppl which reinforces their conclusions, but we aren’t the ones waking their slow asses up. JM2C
I just got home from seeing it and feel the same.
The movie was good, but won’t show normies anything they hadn’t already heard about.
You can ask almost anyone if child trafficking is a serious problem and they will say “yes”. Basically what this does is have ppl talk about an issue they already know exists. I also noticed the theater had a lot of ppl who seemed to already be awake, not sure these ppl seeing this is going to do anything for this cause.
What I don’t understand is the media is obviously under white hat control and if white hats really were ready to wake ppl up to “act” on child trafficking WH’s could have the media pushing child trafficking stories, but they’re not.
This pretty much leaves me thinking we have a ways to go before our elites/cabal are exposed for their involvement. And, in another way it reinforces that at this point there’s nothing I can do to wake ppl up, that is in the hands of WH’s. If they want the ones left to wake up they can and will make that happen, other than that I’m sitting comfy with my popcorn!
** This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be active with memes and red pill post, we should! It’s just that those actions help ppl see that the realizations they have arrived to are held by other ppl which reinforces their conclusions, but we aren’t the ones waking their slow asses up. JM2C
I just got home from seeing it and feel the same.
The movie was good, but won’t show normies anything they hadn’t already heard about.
You can ask almost anyone if child trafficking is a serious problem and they will say “yes”. Basically what this does is have ppl talk about an issue they already know exists. I also noticed the theater had a lot of ppl who seemed to already be awake not sure these ppl seeing this is going to do anything for this cause.
What I don’t understand is the media is obviously under white hat control and if white hats really were ready to wake ppl up to “act” on child trafficking WH’s could have the media pushing child trafficking stories, but they’re not.
This pretty much leaves me thinking we have a ways to go before our elites/cabal are exposed for their involvement. And, in another way it reinforces that at this point there’s nothing I can do to wake ppl up, that is in the hands of WH’s. If they want the ones left to wake up they can and will make that happen, other than that I’m sitting comfy with my popcorn!
** This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be active with memes and red pill post, we should! It’a just that those actions help ppl see that the realizations they have arrived to are held by other ppl which reinforces their conclusions, but we aren’t the ones waking their slow asses up. JM2C