Well technically or legally as it stands right now he can't stay president. That said, Ingersoll Lockwood, the author that wrote the Baron Trump novels in 1898 also wrote another book in 1896 (corrected). It's titled '1900 or the Last President'. In that book the presidential candidate owned and lived in a large building in New York City.
Here's a PDF if you'd like to read it: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1900-Or-The-Last-President.pdf
Well technically or legally as it stands right now he can't stay president. That said, Ingersoll Lockwood, the author that wrote the Baron Trump novels in 1898 also wrote another book in 1986. It's titled '1900 or the Last President'. In that book the presidential candidate owned and lived in a large building in New York City.
Here's a PDF if you'd like to read it: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1900-Or-The-Last-President.pdf