What's unique about the current MSM negativity campaign against Sound of Freedom is that their attacks are not based on any defense of a politician, celeb, or individual who they're pretending is being unjustly smeared. They are attacking the idea of child trafficking on a large scale even existing.
A natural reaction by a skeptic would be "Given the severity of these assertions, we need to see more evidence before concluding anything." Instead they're all "Huuurrr Q ANON dOn'T wAtCh TeH mOviE!!1!"
They've never done this with any other social issue movie before. The movie Traffic from 2000 comes to mind. They gave Steven Soderbergh four Oscars for that, and today's Hollywood and MSM are the same as back then.
What's unique about the current MSM negativity campaign against Sound of Freedom is that their attacks are not based on any defense of a politician, celeb, or individual who they're pretending is being unjustly smeared. They are attacking the idea of child trafficking on a large scale even existing.
A natural reaction by a skeptic would be "Given the severity of these assertions, we need to see more evidence before concluding anything." Instead, in instant unison they're all "Huuurrr Q ANON dOn'T wAtCh TeH mOviE!!1!"
They've never done this with any other social issue movie before. The movie Traffic from 2000 comes to mind. They gave Steven Soderbergh four Oscars for that, and today's Hollywood and MSM are the same as back then.
What's unique about the current MSM negativity campaign against Sound of Freedom is that their attacks are not based on any defense of a politician, celeb, or individual who they're pretending is being unjustly smeared. They are attacking the idea of child trafficking on a large scale even existing.
A natural reaction by a skeptic would be "Given the severity of these assertions, we need to see more evidence before concluding anything." Instead, in instant unison they're all "Huuurrr Q ANON dOn'T wAtCh TeH mOviE!!1!"