I'm sorry for what you want thru fellow Patriot.
Your words, wounds are extremely similar to my own abuse.
My mother could not wrap her head around that I would not say anything to her or my father. More so to her than my father
My father was checked out in his alcoholic related stupor most of the time
Advised them both I never felt safe to share what was going on. They finally came to terms with the abuse
If I may share some things I've done to help facilitate my own healing...
It's beyond mortal comprehension with most adults ie parents that ANYTYPE of harm that befalls their children that they would not act, to help defend their children.
Your own healing is YOUR OWN. At this time, or when your ready start the healing process...
Of course you have support of family, parents etc would be beneficial, you my friend do not need them or that at this time.
Please focus on healing YOU.
My father was a drugged up alcoholic for close to 50 yrs. He was able to obtain sobriety the last 3 years of his life.
I had my beloved Poppa back.
Each person, each loved one in our lives has agency which is a double edged sword at times, cause when one chooses well ones agency blesses others, when they opt to embrace incorrect choices their agency can and does affect others.
We're only responsible for our own actions, our choices to heal. One cannot force or bring someone to change unless THEY CHOSE to.
Please move forward with your healing so these perps, pedo's no longer have control over your emotional state.
Sending you a huge loved filled hug.
You got this.
I'm sorry for what you want thru fellow Patriot.
Your words, wounds are extremely similar to my own abuse.
My mother could not wrap her head around that I would not say anything to her or my father. More so to her than my father
My father was checked out in his alcoholic related stupor most of the time
Advised them both I never felt safe to share what was going on. They finally banned to terms with the abuse
If I may share some things I've done to help facilitate my own healing...
It's beyond mortal comprehension with most adults ie parents that ANYTYPE of harm that befalls their children that they would not act, to help defend their children.
Your own healing is YOUR OWN. At this time, or when your ready start the healing process...
Of course you have support of family, parents etc would be beneficial, you my friend do not need them or that at this time.
Please focus on healing YOU.
My father was a drugged up alcoholic for close to 50 yrs. He was able to obtain sobriety the last 3 years of his life.
I had my beloved Poppa back.
Each person, each loved one in our lives has agency which is a double edged sword at times, cause when one chooses well ones agency blesses others, when they opt to embrace incorrect choices their agency can and does affect others.
We're only responsible for our own actions, our choices to heal. One cannot force or bring someone to change unless THEY CHOSE to.
Please move forward with your healing so these perps, pedo's no longer have control over your emotional state.
Sending you a huge loved filled hug.
You got this.