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On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control. The number 40 continually emerges in scripture as a period of time required to separate (symbolically) from Satanic influence.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham after 400 years have passed, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

Abraham's first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. When he failed to cut the birds in half (symbolizing division between good and evil), God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Once again, God leads Abraham through a complicated series of trials, and eventually leads him to make a new offering, a far more difficult one.

So despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully (more difficult than even killing himself), and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. It started by Jacob 'stealing' the birthright, although in fact, he had legally 'bought' it from Esau by offering him the lentils when Esau was too hungry to care.

The inheritance of Isaac's faith and the leading of Esau to submission was achieved via Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission. Jacob won the victory against the angel of God (who symbolically represented the archangel, Lucifer, that Adam failed to overcome) at the ford of jabbok, but then won the victory of love over his brother Esau, the substantial person to symbolize Lucifer submitting to Adam.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, they were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the coming true Adam.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law. The Law was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene, claim Israel, and send his son to them.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

Although all of humanity was lost when Israel rejected Jesus, Jesus took all of that failure on himself, and via the Cross, laid the foundation for the new Covenant.

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured our Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remains under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control. The number 40 continually emerges in scripture as a period of time required to separate (symbolically) from Satanic influence.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham after 400 years have passed, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

Abraham's first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. When he failed to cut the birds in half (symbolizing division between good and evil), God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Once again, God leads Abraham through a complicated series of trials, and eventually leads him to make a new offering, a far more difficult one.

So despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully (more difficult than even killing himself), and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. It started by Jacob 'stealing' the birthright, although in fact, he had legally 'bought' it from Esau by offering him the lentils when Esau was too hungry to care.

The inheritance of Isaac's faith and the leading of Esau to submission was achieved via Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission. Jacob won the victory against the angel of God (who symbolically represented the archangel, Lucifer, that Adam failed to overcome) at the ford of jabbok, but then won the victory of love over his brother Esau, the substantial person to symbolize Lucifer submitting to Adam.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control. The number 40 continually emerges in scripture as a period of time required to separate (symbolically) from Satanic influence.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham after 400 years have passed, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

Abraham's first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. When he failed to cut the birds in half (symbolizing division between good and evil), God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Once again, God leads Abraham through a complicated series of trials, and eventually leads him to make a new offering, a far more difficult one.

So despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully (more difficult than even killing himself), and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. It started by Jacob 'stealing' the birthright, although in fact, he had legally 'bought' it from Esau by offering him the lentils when Esau was too hungry to care.

The inheritance of Isaac's faith and the leading of Esau to submission was achieved via Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control. The number 40 continually emerges in scripture as a period of time required to separate (symbolically) from Satanic influence.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham after 400 years have passed, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control. The number 40 continually emerges in scripture as a period of time required to separate (symbolically) from Satanic influence.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelief and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years plus the 40 days of purification accomplished via the flood.

Why 400 years after Noah before God chose and engaged with Abraham? Because the 40 days of purification were lost via Ham's mistake. The 400 years between Noah and Abraham were to make a symbolic purification that would allow God to re-engage with someone or a people who technically were under Satan's sovereignty and control.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, Shem, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelieve and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby let Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelieve and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing (symbolizing the Word) to God, thereby both showing faith in the word and also returning that 'thing' to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby have Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelieve and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendants, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing to God, thereby returning it to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby have Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelieve and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendants to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendants? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendants of fallen Adam, but the descendants of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original


On fulfilling the law:

What do we mean when we say (or write) "I fulfilled my dream"? What about "he fulfilled his promise"?

Here is the angle that I think far too many theologians have missed. What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose Abraham, and his descendents, and give them the law (aka the old testament, aka the first or initial (old) covenant)?

After Adam, all of humanity had fallen under the control of Satanic sovereignty. Unwittingly, Adam established a bond, a covenant with the fallen Archangel, one that bound all humanity under Satan's 'legal' control.

Because the Father himself had created the universe with its laws, including the principle of choice, he could not simply ignore the choice that Adam made or the covenant that was established whereby Adam raised Lucifer to the position of his false father. If we consider that the Creator is the Father, then what happened at the fall was that Adam allowed himself to be re-created by Lucifer as a fallen being. By 'creating' the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, Lucifer raised himself to the false position of creator, and on that basis challenged God.

So, instead of a humanity united with their true creator, the world was populated with a fallen humanity with Satan as the (false) creator, aka 'god', aka progenitor, aka the false father.

In order to restore humanity, God needed to send a new Adam. Someone who fulfilled the original blueprint conceived of by God prior to creation. Someone who is the fulfillment of the word, the logos, the original blueprint that Adam failed to fulfill.

How to undo the fallen covenant, the fallen contract that Adam had created with Lucifer? Because of his own principles, God could not simply intervene and interfere with Satan's 'children'. Thus, God induced certain individuals to reverse the covenant with Lucifer by getting them to make a conditional covenant with him. He did this by inducing these individuals to make two forms of offering.

The first was a symbolic offering, where the individual offered a symbolic thing to God, thereby returning it to God and making God the sovereign over that thing, which symbolized the individual himself.

He had Abel make the offering. Fulfilling this offering meant Abel had to believe in God's command. Doing so, he symbolically reversed the mistake of Adam, Adam who believed in Satan's word (to eat the fruit, and thereby hand his sovereignty over to Satan and raise Lucifer to the position of his lord and master).

The second type of offering was a more substantial yet internal offering. It required someone in the position of Lucifer to bow down and admit that the person in Adam's position was his rightful master.

Why? In the Garden, Lucifer should have never risen up to seduce God's children. He should have supported Adam to never eat the fruit, and thereby have Adam fulfill the blueprint God created him with. In doing so, Lucifer would have submitted to God's sovereignty through Adam. As God's son, Adam was destined to be Lucifer's lord and ruler.

The fall happened because Lucifer failed to do that. instead, he rose up and murdered Adam spiritually, usurping God's position as ruler over Adam.

Because Adam fell, he became a contradictory being. Not only did he contain the original goodness endowed to him by God, something eternal, but he also contained evil, created by Lucifer. Adam had two masters now, something that was unacceptable to God.

Cain was the first born in Adam's family. God required Cain to submit himself to Abel who, through the successful offering, had symbolically restored the position of a faithful Adam.

If Abel succeeded in the offering of faith, and Cain succeeded in the offering of submission, then a new covenant could be created, one that was the reverse of the covenant Adam made with Lucifer. (Adam first believed in Lucifer's word, conveyed by Eve, that he should eat the fruit, and then by actually eating the fruit, he submitted himself to Lucifer instead of maintaining his rightful position as Lucifer's lord and master.)

Abel succeeded, but Cain failed. Thus, no new covenant could be formed.

We can see that God repeated the process in Noah's family. Noah was required to make an offering: to build the ark. He successfully kept faith in God's instruction, and symbolically restored the position of faith in God. However, to fulfill the offering of submission required that an elder son submit to a younger son.

God needed Noah's second born Ham to be 100% united with Noah, to inherit that symbolic victory of faith. Once this was done, then Noah's first born, could have submitted to Ham, and the new covenant been accomplished.

This is why Ham's sin of disbelief in his father was so severe. Even though Noah had faithfully believed in God, and essentially rescued his entire family from the flood, when Noah was intoxicated after the flood had passed, Ham saw him not as his pure, righteous father, but as a sinful man, just like all the unrighteous people who perished in the flood.

When Ham convinced his brothers to also disbelieve in Noah, Noah woke up and cursed Ham. Why? Because Ham through his disbelieve and unfaith destroyed the symbolic foundation Noah had created through his righteous faith for 120 years.

The process continues to unfold. Eventually God finds Abraham, and by taking Abraham through a complicated series of trials, eventually had Abraham succeed in the faith offering. He does this via being able to offer Isaac.

The first offering of the heifer, the goat and sheep, the birds, had failed. God cursed Abraham's descendents to be slaves for 400 years. Why? To make a condition to separate them from the fallen master, Satan. Just like the 40 days of the flood.

Despite Abraham's first failure, God made his covenant with Abraham, but the conditions to fulfill it were still required. So it was that Isaac was offered, and Isaac, unlike Ham, had 100% faith in this father, and so could inherit Abraham's faith. Think about it. Isaac was old enough to know there was no sheep for the offering. When Abraham raised his knife to offer Isaac, Isaac didn't flinch or run away.

Thus, in that one offering, Abraham restored his position as faithful to God, by fulfilling the offering of Isaac faithfully, and Isaac, through his faith in his father, restored the failure and mistake of Ham.

The faith part of the new covenant was accomplished, but the offering of submission was still required.

This was fulfilled by Esau, the first born of the twin sons of Isaac, submitting to Jacob, the second born of the twin sons of Isaac. This was only accomplished after Jacob went through a very complicated process to fully inherit the faith foundation of Isaac. This was Jacob's path of exile, for 21 years. After winning back so much from his Uncle Laban, Jacob offered half of everything to Esau. Esau embraced Jacob, who he had wanted to kill, just as Cain had wanted to murder Abel.

This is why Jacob became 'Israel'. He successfully inherited the offering of faith, and then was able to get Esau to make the offering of submission.

With the conditions all established now, the covenant between God and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob was accomplished. This was all done on the family level, but it needed to be expanded from a family to a clan, to a nation of people. That process took place via Joseph (whose brothers wanted to kill him, but he kept faith despite his trials, and eventually led them to submit to him), and then via Moses.

So what is the purpose of the covenant, the one God made with Abraham and his descendents? It was to lay the symbolic and substantial foundation that, standing in the position of a people restored to God, were symbolically no longer descendents of fallen Adam, but the descendents of the true Adam, the pre-fall Adam. But only symbolically.

This foundation to establish Israel as a people symbolically not belonging under Satan's sovereignty had one purpose: to be the foundation on which God could send the True Adam, the New Adam, Jesus Christ.

The covenant would only be fulfilled when Christ arrived and rose (through his sufferings) to the position of the New Adam, the firstborn among all who were to follow him and be reborn as the children of God, leaving the position of the children of Lucifer.

Why do we need to be reborn? Because we were born in the lineage of Lucifer, created by the Fall of Adam and Eve.

When it is said that Christ fulfilled 'the law', it means he fulfilled the PURPOSE of the law, which was the conditions of the covenant that allowed God to intervene and send him.

Israel should have had faith in Jesus, and submitted themselves to him. They did not. They murdered Jesus, just as Cain murdered Abel.

Thus, a NEW covenant was required. The old covenant had fulfilled its purpose in Jesus, but all of humanity, lead by Israel, was lost in the process (through their unfaith and failure to submit, they repeated the fall of Adam.)

The New Testament is the New Covenant. The conditions to fulfill this covenant by each person, and collectively, humanity, is not the practice off the law. It is faith in Jesus and acceptance of the Holy Spirit (which is the spiritual submission to God).

What's the purpose of the New Covenant? To prepare the way and the foundation for the Second Coming. The first coming secured the Spiritual Salvation. Yet the material world remained under Satan's control, just as our bodies are still subject to Adam's covenant with Lucifer, even though our spirits are liberated and belong to God through faith in Jesus.

The purpose of the Second Coming is to complete the covenants fully, both Old and New, and free the material world, and our bodies, from Satan's sovereignty, finally fully reversing every aspect of the false covenant Adam created with Lucifer.

Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise Christ. The kingdom of heaven is the destiny of humanity on earth. His will done, on Earth as in Heaven. Praise God!

1 year ago
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