I don't mind if the content is pasted for others to realize what is going on, however I just don't want pictures of my daughter being re-posted without thinking. If I saw someone trying to "dox" another user on here, I wouldn't just plaster their information like that. There is already a "message the moderators" button on the sidebar anyway.
So FYI, what happened is that Newbishbewbish has been DM'ing people and trolling them. This has been brought up in the general chat many times already. I wrote a poem making fun of the fact that he has nothing better to do with his life than to waste his time harassing people on this forum. This made him angry, and to prove me wrong, he... wasted even more time harassing people on this forum. I had already shared links to some stuff I'd written on my personal site on this forum here. What this guy did was followed those links back to the main page, and he DM'ed me stating the city where I live, naming my wife and daughter and asking how they are, then told me to "take care." It was an obvious threat to my wife and daughter. I blocked him, then he started creating more accounts, styled after my username in order to taunt me and further threaten my family. I don't care if he as a bone to pick with me, but bringing my daughter into it and admitting to you and everyone else he messaged that his dirty mind is full of thoughts of my daughter being sexually abused... that's just sick. He accused me of molesting my daughter and his "evidence" of that is that I built a vinyl model kit of Minmay from Macross, aka Robotech, the anime I watched in the '80s while I was in elementary school.
Next time, just think first before repasting people's private info for public to see. I had already shared that testimony story on here, but I have never posted pictures of my daughter on here. I want her to be left out of it, but it just shows what a malevolent, hateful cretin that guy is, and to threaten her like that. Regardless, I can't imagine why anyone would copypasta such links out in the open without being considerate to their fellow forum member's privacy...
I don't mind if the content is pasted for others to realize what is going on, however I just don't want pictures of my daughter being re-posted without thinking. If I saw someone trying to "dox" another user on here, I wouldn't just plaster their information like that. There is already a "message the moderators" button on the sidebar anyway.
So FYI, what happened is that Newbishbewbish has been DM'ing people and trolling them. This has been brought up in the general chat many times already. I wrote a poem making fun of the fact that he has nothing better to do with his life than to waste his time harassing people on this forum. This made him angry, and to prove me wrong, he... wasted even more time harassing people on this forum. I had already shared links to some stuff I'd written on my personal site on this forum here. What this guy did was followed those links back to the main page, and he DM'ed me stating the city where I live, naming my wife and daughter and asking how they are, then told me to "take care." It was an obvious threat to my wife and daughter. I blocked him, then he started creating more accounts, styled after my username in order to taunt me and further threaten my family. I don't care if he as a bone to pick with me, but bringing my daughter into it and admitting to you and everyone else he messaged that his dirty mind is full of thoughts of my daughter being sexually abused... that's just sick. He accused me of molesting my daughter and his "evidence" of that is that. I built a vinyl model kit of Minmay from Macross, aka Robotech, the anime I watched in the '80s while I was in elementary school.
Next time, just think first before repasting people's private info for public to see. I had already shared that testimony story on here, but I have never posted pictures of my daughter on here. I want her to be left out of it, but it just shows what a malevolent, hateful cretin that guy is, and to threaten her like that. Regardless, I can't imagine why anyone would copypasta such links out in the open without being considerate to their fellow forum member's privacy...