If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.
PS you won’t get a downvote from me. I understand math has been very ‘racist’ lately according to experts and their minions, and that our society sucks at it. Cheers fren.
If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.
PS you won’t get a downvote from me. I understand math has been very ‘racist’ lately according to experts, but they also hide the facts that statistics + quantum physics have been very suppressed for many centuries. Cheers fren.
If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.
PS you won’t get a downvote from me. I understand math has been very ‘racist’ lately, and statistics + quantum physics have been very suppressed for many centuries. Cheers fren.
If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.
PS you won’t get a downvote from me. I understand math has been very ‘ racist’ lately, and statistics + quantum physics have been very suppressed for many centuries. Cheers fren.
If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.
PS you won’t get a downvote from me. I understand math has been very racist for many years, and statistics + quantum physics have been very suppressed for many centuries. Cheers fren.
If you say so
Do you actually know what a meme is? Cuz this is not a ‘meme’. It’s simply a mathematical improbability.