I thought exactly the same thing as I was watching, to be honest, but then was shocked at the end to see the 'real' scene with some of the same characters and the island setting. You make an interesting point though. We know that some of the story was embellished for the sake of a movie experience, perhaps the scene talking about the rich drunk American does allude to Hunters actions and personality. The modelling 'talent scout' thing to me absolutely screamed Ghilsaine Maxwell, yes. Just as the scene with the grooming screamed to me of Balenciaga and LGBTQ drag shows for kids.
As far as Epstein being a front to save kids, jeez I dunno how I feel about that. I think Michael Jackson perhaps was, though.
As to it being lies on both sides, I can't allow myself to go to that level of cynicism. If that's true we are screwed beyond all comprehension
I thought exactly the same thing as I was watching, to be honest, but then was shocked at the end to see the 'real' scene with some of the same characters and the island setting. You make an interesting point though. We know that some of the story was embellished for the sake of a movie experience, perhaps the scene talking about the rich drunk American does allude to Hunters actions and personality.
As far as Epstein being a front to save kids, jeez I dunno how I feel about that. I think Michael Jackson perhaps was, though.
As to it being lies on both sides, I can't allow myself to go to that level of cynicism. If that's true we are screwed beyond all comprehension
I thought exactly the same thing as I was watching, to be honest, but then was shocked at the end to see the 'real' scene with some of the same characters and the island setting. You make an interesting point though. We know that some of the story was embellished for the sake of a movie experience, perhaps the scene talking about the rich drunk American does allude to Hunters actions and personality. As to it being lies on both sides, I can't allow myself to go to that level of cynicism. If that's true we are screwed beyond all comprehension