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Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture, and that up to 6 of them are military (emphasizing the military nature of the operation and the very controlled nature of who knows what). Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever], I just don't see it that way.

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either. in very secretive or clandestine operations, its usually a need to know basis. But it doesn't mean no one except the top people know nothing or don't have their roles or missions.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... save the world?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere. "biggest info drop ever"

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't buy the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time. But obviously others have different views.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

Preparation and Foundation Phase

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Exposure and disclosure phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Justice and Completion Stage

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture, and that up to 6 of them are military (emphasizing the military nature of the operation and the very controlled nature of who knows what). Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever], I just don't see it that way.

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either. in very secretive or clandestine operations, its usually a need to know basis. But it doesn't mean no one except the top people know nothing or don't have their roles or missions.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... save the world?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere. "biggest info drop ever"

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't buy the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time. But obviously others have different views.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture, and that up to 6 of them are military (emphasizing the military nature of the operation and the very controlled nature of who knows what). Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever], I just don't see it that way.

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either. in very secretive or clandestine operations, its usually a need to know basis. But it doesn't mean no one except the top people know nothing or don't have their roles or missions.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... save the world?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere. "biggest info drop ever"

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture, and that up to 6 of them are military (emphasizing the military nature of the operation and the very controlled nature of who knows what). Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever], I just don't see it that way.

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either. in very secretive or clandestine operations, its usually a need to know basis. But it doesn't mean no one except the top people know nothing or don't have their roles or missions.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture, and that up to 6 of them are military (emphasizing the military nature of the operation and the very controlled nature of who knows what). Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened right AFTER the election in 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture. Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was literally on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.

Then, there was all the stuff that happened in December of 2020, when DJT switched around people to be acting Sec of Defense, the changes to the Special Ops chain of command, etc. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller praised Pence and thanked Pence mentoring him and working with him in "some of the most complex military operations this nation has ever done". That doesn't necessarily mean anything about the Q operation, but it strongly implies something. (Miller was Acting Sec Def. From Nov. 9, 2020, until Jan. 20, 2021).


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture. Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan, in my view.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture. Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

Moreover, the Q operation is part of a much larger overall plan.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture. Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Thanks for the reply, and sharing your reasoning. Updoogle.

I guess we have very different concepts of what the Q operation is. My view is that the Q operation is a military intelligence operation run with specific objectives including activating an army of anons, triggering mass public awakening and generating a significant civilian force in the 5G war.

The Q team has [less than 10] individuals who have direct knowledge about Who is on the Team, What the Q operation Plan is, and What it's specific objectives are and how and by who it was developed. But that doesn't mean other people don't have levels of knoweldge, and delegated responsibilities.

Imagine a massive army invasion operation like Normandy. How many people knew the whole plan? There were some 200,000 troops involved in the actual landing, but how many millions were involved in; logistics planning and execution, equipment preparation, etc, etc.?

But how many planned it and knew the whole picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of other people at all different levels with SOME knowledge but on a need to know basis for their role in the campaign.

Likely as not, NONE of the people below Colonel (just speculating here) knew the actual landing cite until 24 hours before D-Day.

That's how I see the Q operation. The Q team is the team directly involved in planning, and seeing that the Q operation fulfills its objective. As a military operation, there are many working in coordination with the objectives of the Q team, but who do not necessarily know The Whole Picture. Think of Kash Patel, think of Col. Miller, Ezra Watkins, Dan Scavino, Gen Flynn, Nunes, etc, etc. They don't have to be on the Q team to get instructions and directions and information about what they should do or to be given tasks and missions.

So, no, I've never thought for a second that Pence was on the Q team. Not at all. But as he was DJT's VP, he could very well have been privy to very important knoweldge and easily be instructed (requested) by DJT or others to play a specific role, for example. In fact, the Q drop says this about the 'team'.


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

That doesn't even necessarily mean there are only 10 on the team. It means, only less than ten have the full picture. Possibly, the persons doing the posting may not even have been included in those 10. I doubt it, but it's possible.

So, for me, the idea that [Pence was not on Q team] = [Pence was completely ignorant of any plan or of certain fundamentals of the plan or was just some place holder doing whatever, I just don't see it that way]

That's not how military operations work, and its not for that matter how an administration works, either.

And that's why it seemed to me that you don't factor in the Q operation, but I see that in fact it's just that we have very different concepts of what that operation is and how it was (or is being) executed.

For me, the existence of the Q operation implies directly that many, many people are working together in a clandestine strategy that interconnects with the Q operation itself (which is the operation as I said to engage and activate a large awake civilian intelligence network aka anons and trigger a massive worldwide awakening to the reality of the evil behind the veil).

I guess some folks watched the Patriot Joe video (I watched it many times) "The Plan to Save the World" and they think somehow that a) less than 10 people are involved in the operation (whereas less than 10 people KNOW the WHOLE PICTURE) and b) that the Q operation = the WHOLE strategy by DJT and the White Hats to ..... ?

I see the Q operation as a military intelligence operation that functions as PART of a much larger overall war and strategy to take down the Cabal and destroy the Deep State in the US and elsewhere.

Am I correct in thinking, then that you basically think that unless someone is directly on the Q team or rather has direct knowledge of the Whole Plan that they basically know nothing, and are just playing a .... normie role? Serious question.

None of us know what the plan was really supposed to be on Jan 6th.

No, but we can examine a very wide set of data and information to apply logical analysis and reasoning to come up with explanations that map more or map less on to the known facts.

Taking about the 2000 facts garnered over the last 5 years, I don't by the premise that Pence is deep state or that DJT was forced to accept him, but he was a snake undermining DJT all the time.

I think everything has been planned out meticulously, including contingencies, and timing, responses from the opponents (DS), and that the plan was essentially a three-stage plan:

ONE. Trump Administration 1 - flush the key power positions and neutralize the enemy strongholds by siloing them and cutting them off from their established communication systems (remember the Star Wars gaming thing, for example), while showing how well everything can go when the right steps are taken byb a government NOT under Cabal control.

Preparation and Foundation Phase

TWO. Trump 'Administration' '#2' - Devolution and continuity of government activated by Trump at the end of ONE to safeguard certain KEY functions of government so that things never actually get out of control beyond a certain point, then let the enemy run their playbook, including stealing the election, all the while keeping the enemy network (from highest ups to lowly minions) essentially in the dark and not knowing what the White Hats are doing, and showing America and the world what the REAL agenda is by the Cabal, and how much they hate freedom and people, etc, and how deep the corruption actually goes, in ALL institutions, including the judiciary, media, corporations, govt, depts. etc, WHILE pushing the conditions that implode the Fiat Currency Cabal system.

(Putin could never have cleaned out and exposed Ukraine, for example, with DJT in the White House. So how to clean out Ukraine?)

Exposure and disclosure phase

THREE. Trump Administration 2 (#3). On the basis of a fully awakened population and with the necessary public mandate (not just maga but the vast majority of Americans), execute the full decimation of the Deep State apparatus (all remnants) and remove the malignancy that has been there for decades and centuries.

Justice and Completion Stage

There is a LOT of evidence that points very very strongly towards this being the actual WH plan (not to be confused with the Q plan or the Q operation itself, which is like a special ops operation run as part of the overall plan).

Anyway, that's how I see it these days. And that's after tracking Q and the core situation closely after 5+ years. But either way, we don't need to agree. No one is going to know exactly or perfectly, so we can always learn from others.


1 year ago
1 score