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Reason: None provided.

Yeah, thanks here. It's been fascinating and really enjoyable to hear about your background. One good (turn) deserves another. kek. I'm very different. I am a linguist with fluency in three languages and a certain amount of training in lexical analysis, text analysis, a solid background in religious thought as well as translation and interpreting.

(This is partly the why behind my possibly excessive breakdown of the Pence statement.) Self employed most of my career, I also have experience working at the liaison level with high level 'leaders in the political, religious and cultural spheres. (Once sat in on a summit meeting between two heads of state, one of which was Japan.)

Very interesting to read yoru views in the context of your experience and your professional expertise. Your reply raises some questions I find interesting.

Besides, like I said I don't believe he had anything to offer.

What do you make of the ceremony where C. Miller (Acting Sec Def.) thanked Mike Pence for his leadership and talked about being involved together in some of the most complex military operations ever?


Unsure what a SAP is in this context.

What I find really interesting is that we have similar views, I think, re: the hierarchical nature of the need-to-know situation in military operations for example, or in any large undertaking, but we still have very dissimilar views re: the role of Pence.

Something I think a lot of people don't understand is "the plan" is not a single plan.

I guess there are still some. For me, the implications of the Q drops including the NASA launch sequence post are clear. The plan will be dynamic in nature, with clear objectives, that can and does respond (moves and countermoves) to enemy actions, and that in terms of timing, it would be like the Nasa launch, where the sequence or progress of the plan is not linear, but proceeds based on specific responses from the other side, or rather, on certain conditional statuses being met. (ie. the plan cannot proceed until X condition is met)

I view "The Plan" as it were like a massive tree or branch graph, replete with contingencies upon contingencies (i.e. alternate steps taken in response to new developments and countermoves by the opponents), but mapped out and gamed in kazillions of permutations to find the best, most optimal one, but again, with contingencies and alternates, then the next best one, the next, the next, and the next. This would then be raw data used when making decisions related to moving forward, etc. Logically, it makes no sense (to me) for it to be done any other way. (But maybe there is...)

If its military intelligence, their access to the most power supercomputing tech and modelling equipment would mean that they have gamed it out millions of times over with almost infinite variables.

I think such a plan would actually involve defining the outcome at the start. As Q dropped "it was over before it began". In other words, right at the outset, certain conditions (objectives) would have been targeted in a way that defines the parameters of the game, so that the opposition's options for response are increasingly limited. I.e certain responses or countermeasures be neutralized at the very start, before the opposition could change that, so that the field of the game gets narrower and narrower. Other countermeasures and responses would be predicted and the way to utilize them maximized, and indeed certain responses 'induced'.

Like a master chess player, control the flow of play by giving the opposition a field of options they can use, but which ultimately make their choices narrower and narrower ("NEVER INTERFERE With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.")

I guess this is why, i think, from the beginning, the plan ALWAYS involved 2020 being stolen. They would have had contingency plans in case for some reason, the Deep State actually gave up (fat chance) but were perhaps 90% confident that they would not be able to resist. DJT was talking about stealing the election, and Q was talking about them rigging the election, for a LONG time before Nov 2020. Early on in 2020 Q was talking about how they were using covid to rig the election.

I think none of us imagined that the WH would actually let them do that, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense (to me) "Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It HAD TO BE this way."

Fwiw, I think that Trump and Putin were certainly working together, but I don't really see how they could clean out Ukraine if DJT was in the white house. Still a LOT of Cabal actors all around the world AND in the USA.

No, I think that the steal was always a necessary even if painful part of the plan to root out the entire system. Or at a minimum it was understood they would attempt it, but that actually evolved into an almost certainty by the start of 2020.

Why do you think he is so insistent that he would be able to end it on one day?

Essentially, because I think that Putin is most certainly cooperating with Trump, but also that very possibly Zelenski is also playing a role. There have been several times when Zelenski and Putin were going to meet and have peace talks. The first time, Boris Johnson PM of the UK intervened in order to prevent that.

I think that the deep state in the US and Europe have been siloed, unable to communicate and operate as they used to. If the strings have been cut (like NK Kim), then the mechanisms of control don't operate as usual. The ide here is that a certain amount of the Cabal infrastructure is in place (middle level, low level) but they cannot get clear marching orders from the top.

The Cabal is in a desperate situation, and they want to somehow trigger WW3 between Russian and the USA, but they cannot actually do it because a) Devolution is in place (think guard rails to essential functions, including the certain branches and aspects of the military) and b) Putin knows this.

Meanwhile they are exposed for who they are more and more, the military industrial complex driving the forever wars is being outed to the public. The awakening has moved way beyond anons now. Sound of Freedom being a good example of that.

At this point, everything they do serves only to expose them more and more to the public.

What about Zelenski?

Trump had a 'perfect call' with zelenski, one that very conveniently set up the accusation of quid pro quo (informing the American people of the concept) and the impeachment. But DJT did NO quid pro quo, but who did? Biden. Its a little TOO convenient that this now boomerangs to Biden corruption and that the American public have to a certain extent all become familiar with the idea of Quid pro quo.

So, was perhaps Zelenski a deep state actor who flipped and is actually serving the DJT agenda? If only to save himself, even? If not, why else would Zelenski's govt security agency target the very oligarch who put him in power (kolomoisky)?

It's curious, right?

IMO, there is a LOT of kayfabe. It's necessary to A) keep the deep state minions and players etc in the dark by confusing them or making them think or wonder if P is theirs when in fact P is not, while the plan continues, the public wakes up more and more, and the cabal system itself is being gutted from inside and behind the scenes.

Think Sting operation x 10,000. Thousands and thousands of nodes of sting operations all being carried out, while the propaganda media and deep state actors still think they can get trump.

So, when DJT is returned to Potus authority, he will be able to get Zelenski and Putin together straight away and settle it. That's my current working theory. People think DJT is so boastful 9and he is) but what sort of impact worldwide would it have if DJT were elected and then immediately brought peace to Ukraine and Russia. Even overseas deep state media could not block that from the public.

FWIW, I think that the key players in Trumps administration were all chosen for very important reasons, and that his AGs (sessions and barr) did amazing things with Trump, but that part of the plan requires the necessary kayfabe. Optics VERy important.

DJT was great pals with Barr until the time that the stolen election became the issue. Then, DJT had to slam Barr, but Barr also had to deny massive voter fraud, in order to distance himself and his works from DJT. Optics are critical. It cannot be seen that a dep of justice under trump goes after people who folks perceive are his political enemies. Very bad look.

But now, under Biden's so-called DoJ, Trump is being indicted, arrested, charged, etc. Think template, boomerang.

Did Trump EVER say anything negative about Pence until or except the 'Stolen election' thing? i don't recall it. To me, there are myriad clear reasons why such kayfabe might be necessary. Certainly in the case of Barr, but also in the case of Pence and the Votes.

But some folks simply cannot see that. But Kayfabe isn't merely fantasy for the sake of fantasy. It provides all sorts of optics cover, narrative cover so that certain things do NOT look bad. At the end of the day, without the broad public mandate from the American people, including them understanding HOW deep the corruption is, and WHY DJT's actions are necessary (and not political), then his hands are really tied. So..... a LOT of kayfabe. Shadow boxing.

Folks look only at the surface level and draw conclusions based on that, but part of the Q operation was to activate anons who would dig deeper and look deeper behind the scenes. "Enjoy the Show"

In any case, an interesting discussion. Always worth having. Exchanges of idea and indeed thinking processes will always benefit if we engage in good faith.

I agree, the board needs more of this.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Yeah, thanks here. It's been fascinating and really enjoyable to hear about your background. One good (turn) deserves another. kek. I'm very different. I am a linguist with fluency in three languages and a certain amount of training in lexical analysis, text analysis, a solid background in religious thought as well as translation and interpreting.

(This is partly the why behind my possibly excessive breakdown of the Pence statement.) Self employed most of my career, I also have experience working at the liaison level with high level 'leaders in the political, religious and cultural spheres. (Once sat in on a summit meeting between two heads of state, one of which was Japan.)

Very interesting to read yoru views in the context of your experience and your professional expertise. Your reply raises some questions I find interesting.

Besides, like I said I don't believe he had anything to offer.

What do you make of the ceremony where C. Miller (Acting Sec Def.) thanked Mike Pence for his leadership and talked about being involved together in some of the most complex military operations ever?


Unsure what a SAP is in this context.

What I find really interesting is that we have similar views, I think, re: the hierarchical nature of the need-to-know situation in military operations for example, or in any large undertaking, but we still have very dissimilar views re: the role of Pence.

Something I think a lot of people don't understand is "the plan" is not a single plan.

I guess there are still some. For me, the implications of the Q drops including the NASA launch sequence post are clear. The plan will be dynamic in nature, with clear objectives, that can and does respond (moves and countermoves) to enemy actions, and that in terms of timing, it would be like the Nasa launch, where the sequence or progress of the plan is not linear, but proceeds based on specific responses from the other side, or rather, on certain conditional statuses being met. (ie. the plan cannot proceed until X condition is met)

I view "The Plan" as it were like a massive tree or branch graph, replete with contingencies upon contingencies (i.e. alternate steps taken in response to new developments and countermoves by the opponents), but mapped out and gamed in kazillions of permutations to find the best, most optimal one, but again, with contingencies and alternates, then the next best one, the next, the next, and the next. This would then be raw data used when making decisions related to moving forward, etc. Logically, it makes no sense (to me) for it to be done any other way. (But maybe there is...)

If its military intelligence, their access to the most power supercomputing tech and modelling equipment would mean that they have gamed it out millions of times over with almost infinite variables.

I think such a plan would actually involve defining the outcome at the start. As Q dropped "it was over before it began". In other words, right at the outset, certain conditions (objectives) would have been targeted in a way that defines the parameters of the game, so that the opposition's options for response are increasingly limited. I.e certain responses or countermeasures be neutralized at the very start, before the opposition could change that, so that the field of the game gets narrower and narrower. Other countermeasures and responses would be predicted and the way to utilize them maximized, and indeed certain responses 'induced'.

Like a master chess player, control the flow of play by giving the opposition a field of options they can use, but which ultimately make their choices narrower and narrower ("NEVER INTERFERE With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.")

I guess this is why, i think, from the beginning, the plan ALWAYS involved 2020 being stolen. They would have had contingency plans in case for some reason, the Deep State actually gave up (fat chance) but were perhaps 90% confident that they would not be able to resist. DJT was talking about stealing the election, and Q was talking about them rigging the election, for a LONG time before Nov 2020. Early on in 2020 Q was talking about how they were using covid to rig the election.

I think none of us imagined that the WH would actually let them do that, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense (to me) "Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It HAD TO BE this way."

Fwiw, I think that Trump and Putin were certainly working together, but I don't really see how they could clean out Ukraine if DJT was in the white house. Still a LOT of Cabal actors all around the world AND in the USA.

No, I think that the steal was always a necessary even if painful part of the plan to root out the entire system. Or at a minimum it was understood they would attempt it, but that actually evolved into an almost certainty by the start of 2020.

Why do you think he is so insistent that he would be able to end it on one day?

Essentially, because I think that Putin is most certainly cooperating with Trump, but also that very possibly Zelenski is also playing a role. There have been several times when Zelenski and Putin were going to meet and have peace talks. The first time, Boris Johnson PM of the UK intervened in order to prevent that.

I think that the deep state in the US and Europe have been siloed, unable to communicate and operate as they used to. If the strings have been cut (like NK Kim), then the mechanisms of control don't operate as usual. The ide here is that a certain amount of the Cabal infrastructure is in place (middle level, low level) but they cannot get clear marching orders from the top.

The Cabal is in a desperate situation, and they want to somehow trigger WW3 between Russian and the USA, but they cannot actually do it because a) Devolution is in place (think guard rails to essential functions, including the certain branches and aspects of the military) and b) Putin knows this.

Meanwhile they are exposed for who they are more and more, the military industrial complex driving the forever wars is being outed to the public. The awakening has moved way beyond anons now. Sound of Freedom being a case in point.

Trump had a 'perfect call' with zelenski, one that very conveniently set up the accusation of quid pro quo (informing the American people of the concept) and the impeachment. But DJT did NO quid pro quo, but who did? Biden. Its a little TOO convenient that this now boomerangs to Biden corruption and that the American public have to a certain extent all become familiar with the idea of Quid pro quo.

So, was perhaps Zelenski a deep state actor who flipped and is actually serving the DJT agenda? If not, why on earth would Zelenski's govt arrest the very oligarch who put him in power?

IMO, there is a LOT of kayfabe. It's necessary to A) keep the deep state minions and players etc in the dark by confusing them or making them think or wonder if P is theirs when in fact P is not, while the plan continues, the public wakes up more and more, and the cabal system itself is being gutted from inside and behind the scenes.

Think Sting operation x 10,000. Thousands and thousands of nodes of sting operations all being carried out, while the propaganda media and deep state actors still think they can get trump.

So, when DJT is returned to Potus authority, he will be able to get Zelenski and Putin together straight away. That's my current working theory.

FWIW, I think that they key players in Trumps administration were all chosen for very important reasons, and that his AGs (sessions and barr) did amazing things with Trump, but that part of the plan requires the necessary kayfabe. DJT was great pals with Barr until the time that the stolen election became the issue. Then, DJT had to slam Barr, but Barr also had to deny massive voter fraud, in order to distance himself and his works from DJT. Optics are critical.

Did Trump EVER say anything negative about Pence until or except the 'Stolen election' thing? i don't recall it. To me, there are myriad clear reasons why such kayfabe might be necessary. Certainly in the case of Barr, but also in the case of Pence and the Votes.

But some folks simply cannot see that.

In any case, an interesting discussion. Always worth having. Exchanges of idea and indeed thinking processes will always benefit if we engage in good faith.

I agree, the board needs more of this.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Yeah, thanks here. It's been fascinating and really enjoyable to hear about your background. One good (turn) deserves another. kek. I'm very different. I am a linguist with fluency in three languages and a certain amount of training in lexical analysis, text analysis, a solid background in religious thought as well as translation and interpreting.

(This is partly the why behind my possibly excessive breakdown of the Pence statement.) Self employed most of my career, I also have experience working at the liaison level with high level 'leaders in the political, religious and cultural spheres. (Once sat in on a summit meeting between two heads of state, one of which was Japan.)

Very interesting to read yoru views in the context of your experience and your professional expertise. Your reply raises some questions I find interesting.

Besides, like I said I don't believe he had anything to offer.

What do you make of the ceremony where C. Miller (Acting Sec Def.) thanked Mike Pence for his leadership and talked about being involved together in some of the most complex military operations ever?


Unsure what a SAP is in this context.

What I find really interesting is that we have similar views, I think, re: the hierarchical nature of the need-to-know situation in military operations for example, or in any large undertaking, but we still have very dissimilar views re: the role of Pence.

Something I think a lot of people don't understand is "the plan" is not a single plan.

I guess there are still some. For me, the implications of the Q drops including the NASA launch sequence post are clear. The plan will be dynamic in nature, with clear objectives, that can and does respond (moves and countermoves) to enemy actions, and that in terms of timing, it would be like the Nasa launch, where the sequence or progress of the plan is not linear, but proceeds based on specific responses from the other side, or rather, on certain conditional statuses being met. (ie. the plan cannot proceed until X condition is met)

I view "The Plan" as it were like a massive tree or branch graph, replete with contingencies upon contingencies (i.e. alternate steps taken in response to new developments and countermoves by the opponents), but mapped out and gamed in kazillions of permutations to find the best, most optimal one, but again, with contingencies and alternates, then the next best one, the next, the next, and the next. This would then be raw data used when making decisions related to moving forward, etc. Logically, it makes no sense (to me) for it to be done any other way. (But maybe there is...)

If its military intelligence, their access to the most power supercomputing tech and modelling equipment would mean that they have gamed it out millions of times over with almost infinite variables.

I think such a plan would actually involve defining the outcome at the start. As Q dropped "it was over before it began". In other words, right at the outset, certain conditions (objectives) would have been targeted in a way that defines the parameters of the game, so that the opposition's options for response are increasingly limited. I.e certain responses or countermeasures be neutralized at the very start, before the opposition could change that, so that the field of the game gets narrower and narrower. Other countermeasures and responses would be predicted and the way to utilize them maximized, and indeed certain responses 'induced'.

Like a master chess player, control the flow of play by giving the opposition a field of options they can use, but which ultimately make their choices narrower and narrower ("NEVER INTERFERE With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.")

I guess this is why, i think, from the beginning, the plan ALWAYS involved 2020 being stolen. They would have had contingency plans in case for some reason, the Deep State actually gave up (fat chance) but were perhaps 90% confident that they would not be able to resist. DJT was talking about stealing the election, and Q was talking about them rigging the election, for a LONG time before Nov 2020. Early on in 2020 Q was talking about how they were using covid to rig the election.

I think none of us imagined that the WH would actually let them do that, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense (to me) "Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It HAD TO BE this way."

Fwiw, I think that Trump and Putin were certainly working together, but I don't really see how they could clean out Ukraine if DJT was in the white house. Still a LOT of Cabal actors all around the world AND in the USA.

No, I think that the steal was always a necessary even if painful part of the plan to root out the entire system.

Why do you think he is so insistent that he would be able to end it on one day?

Essentially, because I think that Putin is most certainly cooperating with Trump, but also that very possibly Zelenski is also playing a role. There have been several times when Zelenski and Putin were going to meet and have peace talks. The first time, Boris Johnson PM of the UK intervened in order to prevent that.

I think that the deep state in the US and Europe have been siloed, unable to communicate and operate as they used to. If the strings have been cut (like NK Kim), then the mechanisms of control don't operate as usual. The ide here is that a certain amount of the Cabal infrastructure is in place (middle level, low level) but they cannot get clear marching orders from the top.

The Cabal is in a desperate situation, and they want to somehow trigger WW3 between Russian and the USA, but they cannot actually do it because a) Devolution is in place (think guard rails to essential functions, including the certain branches and aspects of the military) and b) Putin knows this.

Meanwhile they are exposed for who they are more and more, the military industrial complex driving the forever wars is being outed to the public. The awakening has moved way beyond anons now. Sound of Freedom being a case in point.

Trump had a 'perfect call' with zelenski, one that very conveniently set up the accusation of quid pro quo (informing the American people of the concept) and the impeachment. But DJT did NO quid pro quo, but who did? Biden. Its a little TOO convenient that this now boomerangs to Biden corruption and that the American public have to a certain extent all become familiar with the idea of Quid pro quo.

So, was perhaps Zelenski a deep state actor who flipped and is actually serving the DJT agenda? If not, why on earth would Zelenski's govt arrest the very oligarch who put him in power?

IMO, there is a LOT of kayfabe. It's necessary to A) keep the deep state minions and players etc in the dark by confusing them or making them think or wonder if P is theirs when in fact P is not, while the plan continues, the public wakes up more and more, and the cabal system itself is being gutted from inside and behind the scenes.

Think Sting operation x 10,000. Thousands and thousands of nodes of sting operations all being carried out, while the propaganda media and deep state actors still think they can get trump.

So, when DJT is returned to Potus authority, he will be able to get Zelenski and Putin together straight away. That's my current working theory.

FWIW, I think that they key players in Trumps administration were all chosen for very important reasons, and that his AGs (sessions and barr) did amazing things with Trump, but that part of the plan requires the necessary kayfabe. DJT was great pals with Barr until the time that the stolen election became the issue. Then, DJT had to slam Barr, but Barr also had to deny massive voter fraud, in order to distance himself and his works from DJT. Optics are critical.

Did Trump EVER say anything negative about Pence until or except the 'Stolen election' thing? i don't recall it. To me, there are myriad clear reasons why such kayfabe might be necessary. Certainly in the case of Barr, but also in the case of Pence and the Votes.

But some folks simply cannot see that.

In any case, an interesting discussion. Always worth having. Exchanges of idea and indeed thinking processes will always benefit if we engage in good faith.

I agree, the board needs more of this.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Yeah, thanks here. It's been fascinating and really enjoyable to hear about your background. One good (turn) deserves another. kek. I'm very different. I am a linguist with fluency in three languages and a certain amount of training in lexical analysis, text analysis, a solid background in religious thought as well as translation and interpreting.

(This is partly the why behind my possibly excessive breakdown of the Pence statement.) Self employed most of my career, I also have experience working at the liaison level with high level 'leaders in the political, religious and cultural spheres. (Once sat in on a summit meeting between two heads of state, one of which was Japan.)

Very interesting to read yoru views in the context of your experience and your professional expertise. Your reply raises some questions I find interesting.

Besides, like I said I don't believe he had anything to offer.

What do you make of the ceremony where C. Miller (Acting Sec Def.) thanked Mike Pence for his leadership and talked about being involved together in some of the most complex military operations ever?


Unsure what a SAP is in this context.

What I find really interesting is that we have similar views, I think, re: the hierarchical nature of the need-to-know situation in military operations for example, or in any large undertaking, but we still have very dissimilar views re: the role of Pence.

Something I think a lot of people don't understand is "the plan" is not a single plan.

I guess there are still some. For me, the implications of the Q drops including the NASA launch sequence post are clear. The plan will be dynamic in nature, with clear objectives, that can and does respond (moves and countermoves) to enemy actions, and that in terms of timing, it would be like the Nasa launch, where the sequence or progress of the plan is not linear, but proceeds based on specific responses from the other side, or rather, on certain conditional statuses being met. (ie. the plan cannot proceed until X condition is met)

I view "The Plan" as it were like a massive tree or branch graph, replete with contingencies upon contingencies (i.e. alternate steps taken in response to new developments and countermoves by the opponents), but mapped out and gamed in kazillions of permutations to find the best, most optimal one, but again, with contingencies and alternates. Logically, it makes no sense (to me) for it to be done any other way.

If its military intelligence, their access to the most power supercomputing tech and modelling equipment would mean that they have gamed it out millions of times over with almost infinite variables.

I think such a plan would actually involve defining the outcome at the start. As Q dropped "it was over before it began". In other words, right at the outset, certain conditions (objectives) would have been targeted in a way that defines the parameters of the game, so that the opposition's options for response are increasingly limited. I.e certain responses or countermeasures be neutralized at the very start, before the opposition could change that, so that the field of the game gets narrower and narrower. Other countermeasures and responses would be predicted and the way to utilize them maximized, and indeed certain responses 'induced'.

Like a master chess player, control the flow of play by giving the opposition a field of options they can use, but which ultimately make their choices narrower and narrower ("NEVER INTERFERE With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.")

I guess this is why, i think, from the beginning, the plan ALWAYS involved 2020 being stolen. They would have had contingency plans in case for some reason, the Deep State actually gave up (fat chance) but were perhaps 90% confident that they would not be able to resist. DJT was talking about stealing the election, and Q was talking about them rigging the election, for a LONG time before Nov 2020. Early on in 2020 Q was talking about how they were using covid to rig the election.

I think none of us imagined that the WH would actually let them do that, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense (to me) "Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It HAD TO BE this way."

Fwiw, I think that Trump and Putin were certainly working together, but I don't really see how they could clean out Ukraine if DJT was in the white house. Still a LOT of Cabal actors all around the world AND in the USA.

No, I think that the steal was always a necessary even if painful part of the plan to root out the entire system.

Why do you think he is so insistent that he would be able to end it on one day?

Essentially, because I think that Putin is most certainly cooperating with Trump, but also that very possibly Zelenski is also playing a role. There have been several times when Zelenski and Putin were going to meet and have peace talks. The first time, Boris Johnson PM of the UK intervened in order to prevent that.

I think that the deep state in the US and Europe have been siloed, unable to communicate and operate as they used to. If the strings have been cut (like NK Kim), then the mechanisms of control don't operate as usual. The ide here is that a certain amount of the Cabal infrastructure is in place (middle level, low level) but they cannot get clear marching orders from the top.

The Cabal is in a desperate situation, and they want to somehow trigger WW3 between Russian and the USA, but they cannot actually do it because a) Devolution is in place (think guard rails to essential functions, including the certain branches and aspects of the military) and b) Putin knows this.

Meanwhile they are exposed for who they are more and more, the military industrial complex driving the forever wars is being outed to the public. The awakening has moved way beyond anons now. Sound of Freedom being a case in point.

Trump had a 'perfect call' with zelenski, one that very conveniently set up the accusation of quid pro quo (informing the American people of the concept) and the impeachment. But DJT did NO quid pro quo, but who did? Biden. Its a little TOO convenient that this now boomerangs to Biden corruption and that the American public have to a certain extent all become familiar with the idea of Quid pro quo.

So, was perhaps Zelenski a deep state actor who flipped and is actually serving the DJT agenda? If not, why on earth would Zelenski's govt arrest the very oligarch who put him in power?

IMO, there is a LOT of kayfabe. It's necessary to A) keep the deep state minions and players etc in the dark by confusing them or making them think or wonder if P is theirs when in fact P is not, while the plan continues, the public wakes up more and more, and the cabal system itself is being gutted from inside and behind the scenes.

Think Sting operation x 10,000. Thousands and thousands of nodes of sting operations all being carried out, while the propaganda media and deep state actors still think they can get trump.

So, when DJT is returned to Potus authority, he will be able to get Zelenski and Putin together straight away. That's my current working theory.

FWIW, I think that they key players in Trumps administration were all chosen for very important reasons, and that his AGs (sessions and barr) did amazing things with Trump, but that part of the plan requires the necessary kayfabe. DJT was great pals with Barr until the time that the stolen election became the issue. Then, DJT had to slam Barr, but Barr also had to deny massive voter fraud, in order to distance himself and his works from DJT. Optics are critical.

Did Trump EVER say anything negative about Pence until or except the 'Stolen election' thing? i don't recall it. To me, there are myriad clear reasons why such kayfabe might be necessary. Certainly in the case of Barr, but also in the case of Pence and the Votes.

But some folks simply cannot see that.

In any case, an interesting discussion. Always worth having. Exchanges of idea and indeed thinking processes will always benefit if we engage in good faith.

I agree, the board needs more of this.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Yeah, thanks here. It's been fascinating and really enjoyable to hear about your background. One good (turn) deserves another. kek. I'm very different. I am a linguist with fluency in three languages and a certain amount of training in lexical analysis, text analysis, a solid background in religious thought as well as translation and interpreting. (This is partly the why behind my possibly excessive breakdown of the Pence statement.) Self employed most of my career, I also have experience working at the liaison level with high level 'leaders in the political, religious and cultural spheres. (Once sat in on a summit meeting between two heads of state, one of which was Japan.)

Very interesting to read yoru views in the context of your experience and your professional expertise. Your reply raises some questions I find interesting.

Besides, like I said I don't believe he had anything to offer.

What do you make of the ceremony where C. Miller (Acting Sec Def.) thanked Mike Pence for his leadership and talked about being involved together in some of the most complex military operations ever?


Unsure what a SAP is in this context.

What I find really interesting is that we have similar views, I think, re: the hierarchical nature of the need-to-know situation in military operations for example, or in any large undertaking, but we still have very dissimilar views re: the role of Pence.

Something I think a lot of people don't understand is "the plan" is not a single plan.

I guess there are still some. For me, the implications of the Q drops including the NASA launch sequence post are clear. The plan will be dynamic in nature, with clear objectives, that can and does respond (moves and countermoves) to enemy actions, and that in terms of timing, it would be like the Nasa launch, where the sequence or progress of the plan is not linear, but proceeds based on specific responses from the other side.

I view "The Plan" as it were like a massive tree or branch graph, replete with contingencies upon contingencies (i.e. alternate steps taken in response to new developments and countermoves by the opponents), but mapped out and gamed in kazillions of permutations to find the best, most optimal one, but again, with contingencies and alternates. Logically, it makes no sense (to me) for it to be done any other way.

If its military intelligence, their access to the most power supercomputing tech and modelling equipment would mean that they have gamed it out millions of times over with almost infinite variables.

I think such a plan would actually involve defining the outcome at the start. As Q dropped "it was over before it began". In other words, right at the outset, certain conditions (objectives) would have been targeted in a way that defines the parameters of the game, so that the opposition's options for response are increasingly limited. I.e certain responses or countermeasures be neutralized at the very start, before the opposition could change that, so that the field of the game gets narrower and narrower. Other countermeasures and responses would be predicted and the way to utilize them maximized, and indeed certain responses 'induced'.

Like a master chess player, control the flow of play by giving the opposition a field of options they can use, but which ultimately make their choices narrower and narrower ("NEVER INTERFERE With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.")

I guess this is why, i think, from the beginning, the plan ALWAYS involved 2020 being stolen. They would have had contingency plans in case for some reason, the Deep State actually gave up (fat chance) but were perhaps 90% confident that they would not be able to resist. DJT was talking about stealing the election, and Q was talking about them rigging the election, for a LONG time before Nov 2020. Early on in 2020 Q was talking about how they were using covid to rig the election.

I think none of us imagined that the WH would actually let them do that, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense (to me) "Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It HAD TO BE this way."

Fwiw, I think that Trump and Putin were certainly working together, but I don't really see how they could clean out Ukraine if DJT was in the white house. Still a LOT of Cabal actors all around the world AND in the USA.

No, I think that the steal was always a necessary even if painful part of the plan to root out the entire system.

Why do you think he is so insistent that he would be able to end it on one day?

Essentially, because I think that Putin is most certainly cooperating with Trump, but also that very possibly Zelenski is also playing a role. There have been several times when Zelenski and Putin were going to meet and have peace talks. The first time, Boris Johnson PM of the UK intervened in order to prevent that.

I think that the deep state in the US and Europe have been siloed, unable to communicate and operate as they used to. If the strings have been cut (like NK Kim), then the mechanisms of control don't operate as usual. The ide here is that a certain amount of the Cabal infrastructure is in place (middle level, low level) but they cannot get clear marching orders from the top.

The Cabal is in a desperate situation, and they want to somehow trigger WW3 between Russian and the USA, but they cannot actually do it because a) Devolution is in place (think guard rails to essential functions, including the certain branches and aspects of the military) and b) Putin knows this.

Meanwhile they are exposed for who they are more and more, the military industrial complex driving the forever wars is being outed to the public. The awakening has moved way beyond anons now. Sound of Freedom being a case in point.

Trump had a 'perfect call' with zelenski, one that very conveniently set up the accusation of quid pro quo (informing the American people of the concept) and the impeachment. But DJT did NO quid pro quo, but who did? Biden. Its a little TOO convenient that this now boomerangs to Biden corruption and that the American public have to a certain extent all become familiar with the idea of Quid pro quo.

So, was perhaps Zelenski a deep state actor who flipped and is actually serving the DJT agenda? If not, why on earth would Zelenski's govt arrest the very oligarch who put him in power?

IMO, there is a LOT of kayfabe. It's necessary to A) keep the deep state minions and players etc in the dark by confusing them or making them think or wonder if P is theirs when in fact P is not, while the plan continues, the public wakes up more and more, and the cabal system itself is being gutted from inside and behind the scenes.

Think Sting operation x 10,000. Thousands and thousands of nodes of sting operations all being carried out, while the propaganda media and deep state actors still think they can get trump.

So, when DJT is returned to Potus authority, he will be able to get Zelenski and Putin together straight away. That's my current working theory.

FWIW, I think that they key players in Trumps administration were all chosen for very important reasons, and that his AGs (sessions and barr) did amazing things with Trump, but that part of the plan requires the necessary kayfabe. DJT was great pals with Barr until the time that the stolen election became the issue. Then, DJT had to slam Barr, but Barr also had to deny massive voter fraud, in order to distance himself and his works from DJT. Optics are critical.

Did Trump EVER say anything negative about Pence until or except the 'Stolen election' thing? i don't recall it. To me, there are myriad clear reasons why such kayfabe might be necessary. Certainly in the case of Barr, but also in the case of Pence and the Votes.

But some folks simply cannot see that.

In any case, an interesting discussion. Always worth having. Exchanges of idea and indeed thinking processes will always benefit if we engage in good faith.

I agree, the board needs more of this.

1 year ago
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