Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by showing the connection, but insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental Intelligence. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context any lie can be told and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part. We have been trained to not look at it. Looking at the walls of the box makes you a Heretic, or a Conspiracy Theorist. Those are the worst people you can be. They are the very dregs of society. You do NOT want to be one of those people. Thus the box protects itself.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by showing the connection, but insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental Intelligence. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context any lie can be told and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part. We have been trained to not look at it. Looking at the walls of the box makes you a Heretic, or a Conspiracy Theorist. Those are the worst people you can be. They are the very dregs of society. You do NOT want to be one of those people. Thus the box protects itself.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by showing the connection, but insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental Intelligence. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context any lie can be told and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental Intelligence. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context any lie can be told and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental Intelligence. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. Science does it by insisting that the Fundamental isn't intelligent, all the while they purposefully avoid actually looking to see if there is any evidence to support the dogma that is insisted upon. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. There is no room for "self-worship" in that realization. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal takes an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. All of our present day dogmas try to separate us from the Fundamental, even though everything points to that connection. But the Abrahamic Religions do it in a different way. They try to both separate us from that Source AND tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc..
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal take an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.
Its not a sin to try to change your mind
I wasn't talking about "trying to change my mind," I was explicitly talking about the system of mind control and brainwashing inherent in any system that "organizes" belief. I believe that was obvious in context.
self worship is part of the new secular religion of Gaia that the cabal is trying to establish, along with the worship of nature.
Who said anything about "worship?" Why should we "worship" anything? A recognition of self as meaningful and connected is not worship.
The fraud of the Christian dogma we got (which is no where present in the actual teachings of Jesus), is the separation of us from God. All of everything (science, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Buddha, numerous religions that existed prior to Christianity and Judaism, etc.) suggests that we are fundamentally tied to the Fundamental AKA Source AKA God. The only group that tries to separate us from that Source and tell us to "bow down to him," "fear him," etc. is the Abrahamic Religions.
The very idea of a "male" Source should be a huge red flag. The idea of ascribing such human limits and concepts to the Source of all things is ludicrous, yet it is insisted upon within the Dogma. Anything in the teachings that makes literally no sense at all, or is obviously contradictory, is assumed to be perfectly fine and rectified through the use of Faith. It is by Faith alone that YHWH literally get's away with murder, and everyone insists we must worship Him.
You gotta have Faith.
But we also have intelligence. The application of faith often includes the demand that we forgo that intellect or the red flags we see. We have intelligence because we are tied to the Fundamental. We are the Fundamental. Of course we are. All things are, but we are special because our intelligence is tied to our soul, which is nothing but a forever tied part, a Platonic Split-Apart of the Fundamental. (I am only using the concept of the split-apart, I am not espousing the teachings of Plato.)
The Big Lie is that we are separate. Another lie that keeps Christians in a box is that the religion that the Cabal wants to take us into is all wrong. The Cabal picks and chooses from the larger scope of Truth, using little pieces of actual truth, and twists them into a box. The Cabal doesn't usually tell lies, they tell the truth in a scope of their choosing. That is how all sides are controlled. Each side gets a different piece of the truth, but without all the context, any lie can be told, and a box created. In the case of "the new religion," the Cabal take an appreciation of our obvious connection to Source and twist it into a formal Religion. With a practiced hand, they create the Dogma and fill in the gaps with Faith, rather than just allowing everyone to appreciate, on their own, that their soul is Divine, and so is everyone else's.
We are all born equally Divine. Of course we are. That is obvious. But we have been brainwashed to not appreciate that Divinity in self, or in others. We have been separated from Source, and thus separated from ourselves, and separated from others.
Divide and Conquer.
But with that much separation, we are far worse off than "conquered," our very souls have been enslaved.
I'm trying to "spread the good word." If you read the book of Thomas you will appreciate what I am saying here. Of course that's a "Gnostic gospel" and thus forbidden, but I suggest you read it, and release all the overlay that Saul put on top of the words of Jesus. Christian dogma comes more from Saul's interpretation of Jesus' words than from his words themselves. I think it is highly likely that he was a disinformation agent. I don't ask you to believe that, I just ask you to allow for the possibility, then read the Gospel of Thomas.
Your soul is free, if you just allow it to be. You keep it in the box of their creation. If you understand that, you understand everything.
Showing people the box is the hardest part.