The reason socialist societies begin to have secret police is that the schools stop teaching any appreciable skills.
Then what happens is that these 'social' types, who can't do anything else, find employment within the government.
They know there isn't a job for them outside of the 'work' they do for the government and behave like cornered animals.
The whole point is to ensure that the 'workers' are stuck doing the work which they are either incapable or refuse to do.
Foment anxiety amongst the group at large to feel 'icky' about self-defense because self-defense is the ability to say 'no.'
The function of a planned economy: take away freedom to choose a profession and instead, obey the state's demands.
If they could/would actually just get a job, one that's available, we wouldn't have the problems they're recruited to solve.
To a socialist, cleaning toilets or minding a till is beneath them, so what do they choose instead? Harassing workers.
It's why they choose near-autistic loners as their 'fall guys' because this gets the self-defense option off the table fast.
The government loves them because they're obedient and narcissistic enough to follow through with outrageous plans.
Plus, with our current cultural rot, where else are a bunch of unskilled, unemployed white men going to work anyway?
It is inevitable this happens once the state determines how everything should go: it's too slow to adapt to reality.
So as the quotas grow, and the workers' numbers dwindle, men like this will increase their pushiness towards workers.
As a matter of international relations, you can't say you have this ensemble, otherwise you encourage it elsewhere.
But I won't lie, the situation as it sits is not looking good. I've met people like this and they do not give up whatsoever.
You can't reason with them, they're in a corner. You can't out-maneuver them, they have nothing else to do but this.
Break away from the racial quotas and these men would have the jobs which would ensure they are properly utilized.
Then you have the opposite problem of giving those who are included in the quotas access to the power process.
As prices rise and morale shrinks, more and more men will enter into this 'profession,' giving no rest to the population.
The surplus males will always be vacuumed up into a system like this because the system itself has become corrupted.
Each of these men need a job that isn't related to a corrupt government and need to be led by an exceptional leader.
We are heavy on the former and very light on the latter, so this isn't as easy as it seems; that path may not exist yet.
Remember, if the lines above are true, it is in their interest to make you work so that your tax dollars fund their activities.
If our economy is heavily regulated and the prices are heavily manipulated, it will be difficult to find employment for them.
This is a decades-long problem whenever it occurs because you can't just magically create a new industry out of thin air.
Like with the pipeline projects, all those men went somewhere else and aren't waiting around for the pipeline to reopen.
All that training spoiled because a man with a pen who shouldn't have ever entered into office signed a piece of paper.
A message to the future: don't be afraid of being called names when the consequences of inaction are slavery or starvation.
Freedom is worth every battle, every argument, every difficult moment. Do not ever let it go, because millions died for it.
It's yours if you can keep it. I pray these men know every act of unfreedom will be reflected in the light of The Golden Rule.