nah, hmmmmm. But it was happening pretty quickly, and I was speculating off the cuff. Who knows. Possible? Maybe.
Wait. Rewind.
nah, hmmmmm. But it was happening pretty quickly, and I was speculating off the cuff.
Wait. Rewind.
nah, hmmmmm. But it was happening pretty quickly, and I was speculating off the cuff.
Wait. Rewind.
Here is what I noticed over a period of about 3 minutes
Someone posted here it was down, so I went over to TS to check. Searched for TRUMP.
His normal account did NOT come up. What did come up, down the list (with me not following), was @realDonaldTrump with the EAGLE (blank) avatar AND "Parody account" next to it.
I checked a few more times, different search with "Donald". Same situation. Huh? I thought: "As far as I know, realDonaldTrump is DJT's actual account"
As I watched the account icon in the search, the eagle avatar was replaced with the regular picture, and the account came fully back online.
Previously, the 'parody' account had nothing - no posts...
So, my immediate hypothesis was that the account was hacked. That's based on observations and research of elements done in real time.
Make of that what you will, but these are the fact....
nah, I don't really think so. But it was happening pretty quickly, and I was speculating off the cuff.