Reason: None provided.
- Read the art of war.
- Employ futurology techniques to determine a bunch of possible outcomes and strategies the corrupt side will take from as many angles as you can.
- Take what you learn from the art of war, and employ mitigation techniques, entrapments, misdirections, and ghosts to combat those outcomes.
- other things you can do: when making futures. Creat it like a mind map or a tree, each branch and sub branch that forms is a new possibility or a new sub possibility.
- take your tools and plans from each of those possibilities, and create a master plan that can shift to work with any of those possibilities. Keep in mind. They are not mutually exclusive. Sometimes there are many possibilities that fall into place at the same time.
1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original
- Read the art of war.
- Employ futurology techniques to determine a bunch of possible outcomes and strategies the corrupt side will take from as many angles as you can.
- Take what you learn from the art of war, and employ mitigation techniques, entrapments, misdirections, and ghosts to combat those outcomes.
1 year ago
1 score